(no subject)

Sep 19, 2005 07:15

It's funny, but coming back to Opal is beginning to feel like coming home.

Todd puts his stuff back in his room. He hasn't seen Shade yet, but he's got no doubt that his mentor figure either knows he's there or will do shortly. Todd sets about making himself at home.

The first thing he unpacks is something he only bought a few days ago. The celphone is so new it's still shiny. To anyone else it might be just an ordinary purchase, a bit of an extravagance maybe, but a necessity. To Todd it's a symbol. He didn't join the Chilli party, but he made sure Alan and Jennie had his number. Slowly, he's exchanging the distance for something else.

He sets the phone to charging, giving it a long look before returning to his task of unpacking.

obsidian, shade

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