at the chilli party

Sep 16, 2005 18:09

Diana has managed to make it through about half of her glass of wine. Since she's had it for over an hour it's safe to say she is not becoming a lush anytime soon ( Read more... )

green lantern guy gardner, wonder woman, superman, major disaster, kip blackwell, chili party

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amazon_diana September 16 2005, 19:12:35 UTC
"Yes, that is." she starts to lead him towards the bar for a soda. "And he was not kidding about washing the dishes either."


_kip_ September 16 2005, 19:17:01 UTC
"Oh, I know that, Princess," Kip chuckles as he walks beside her, hand lightly on her arm. "It's still...he's just kind of special to me. How come you've been working so hard?"


amazon_diana September 16 2005, 19:20:50 UTC
"Batman was injured badly and I have been helping to treat his injuries. I was told to come and enjoy myself as he is stable now but still..." she shakes off the mood.

"Cake did not do your face justice by the way."


_kip_ September 16 2005, 19:24:17 UTC
He drinks some of the cola as he listens to Diana speak. "I'd wondered why we hadn't...I mean, some of the information...heck, I'm not sure I'm supposed to know he exists. Cake didn't do my face justice?"


amazon_diana September 16 2005, 19:33:16 UTC
"He does exist. He very nearly died, I do not know how he made it home from where he was injured." there is still worry in her voice but it's well hidden.

"Yes, he sees you in his own particular way it looks much different to me." humor under her tone.


_kip_ September 16 2005, 19:34:35 UTC
A quizzical look appears on Kip's features. "I'm not sure I get it,"


amazon_diana September 16 2005, 19:37:44 UTC
"Athena shared her sight with me."


_kip_ September 16 2005, 19:40:40 UTC
"That's...." Kip reaches forward and hugs Diana. "Best thing I've heard in a long time, Princess. That's awesome. I'm so happy for you."


amazon_diana September 16 2005, 19:44:25 UTC
She hugs him back. Her sight was the one bright spot in a very long month.

"It was a surprise and I meant to come to you sooner to tell you. And to see you for myself." she smiles to herself. "You seem so much taller through Cake's eyes." yes she's teasing.


_kip_ September 16 2005, 19:47:12 UTC
"Yeah, well, you know, Cake thinks everyone's tall," the young man laughs as he holds Diana close. " okay?"


amazon_diana September 16 2005, 19:53:25 UTC
He does not need her to break down on him. This should be a happy day, they are celebrating people surviving after all.

But she can't lie either so she shrugs in the hug and doesn't answer.


_kip_ September 17 2005, 05:00:49 UTC
His hand, large and competent and reassuring, caresses the back of her head as he holds her close. He's blind, but he's not blind. "C'mon, Princess, it's a little noisy in here. Let's go outside, get some air."



amazon_diana September 17 2005, 08:11:01 UTC
She nods and stands up to lead them outside.

"I am sorry I did not wish to be a party depresser, and I am having fun." she feels better when they are outside where it is quieter and cooler.


_kip_ September 17 2005, 12:53:52 UTC
"Hey, there's nothing saying you gotta apologize for being honest," Kip assures her once they're outside. "But you sure you're okay?"


amazon_diana September 17 2005, 15:03:30 UTC
"I seldom have a choice but to be honest." she smiles and lets out a small laugh.

"I am okay. And I was having fun, I just worry about Batman's health but they would call me if anything changed. And I was told if I came home too soon without enjoying myself they were not letting me back in."


_kip_ September 17 2005, 15:12:41 UTC
He feels for her face, runs his fingers along her cheek. "Sounds like someone knew what they were doing when they shoved you out the door," he grins. "Maybe you should go back in, dance a bit, try to...well, I mean, the idea is that they'd want you to have fun, right? You keep carrying the weight of the world on your back and you're gonna end up all bent over."


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