at the chilli party

Sep 16, 2005 18:09

Diana has managed to make it through about half of her glass of wine. Since she's had it for over an hour it's safe to say she is not becoming a lush anytime soon ( Read more... )

green lantern guy gardner, wonder woman, superman, major disaster, kip blackwell, chili party

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_man_of_steel_ September 16 2005, 17:25:11 UTC
Kal smiles. The music's right, and for some reason he likes the band even though most of the modern stuff he hasn't been into. "I'd love to, Diana."

The two take to the floor, Kal taking lead in a near perfect ballroom stance. They move, and although it takes a couple of seconds, he moves with a grace and ease that few see outside of battle.


amazon_diana September 16 2005, 17:56:15 UTC
It may seem out of place to ballroom dance in the bar but she is well practiced at it from social functions at the Embassy and her grace as a warrior crosses over.

And she's smiling and looking comfortable.


_man_of_steel_ September 16 2005, 17:58:23 UTC
Kal returns the smile. "Feel as out of place as I do?"

She catches the faintest hint...Atlantean Ale?


amazon_diana September 16 2005, 18:00:38 UTC
"Incredibly so." she laughs. "And they even managed to convince me to drink wine, it is a novel night."


_man_of_steel_ September 16 2005, 18:04:21 UTC
"You? I've managed to find a small taste for Atlantean Ale. The look on Guy's face was priceless. You dance well."


amazon_diana September 16 2005, 18:08:11 UTC
"Well I did not finish it but I did my best. Atlantean Ale? Maybe you should drink with Arthur sometime." the smile turns a little sad. "Have you heard from him?"

"You dance very well yourself, I shall have to ask you to do so more often."


_man_of_steel_ September 16 2005, 18:11:31 UTC
"I'd toss a few back with Arthur if it would get him back on the team. But he needs time, Diana. I'm trying to give him some space on this. All of us are trying to recover as we know how."

Clark does a small spin. "Part of me wishes Lois was here, and part of me...doesn't. It's been a hard month on everyone, but I've barely seen her, almost died right along with her, and we maybe had five minutes on the watchtower before she was back on the beat." He pauses. "It's hard."


amazon_diana September 16 2005, 18:15:46 UTC
"I know he will not return to the League soon. I had a visit from the Stranger. I simply worry about him, I wish him to know we are still friends even if we are not on a team together."

She spins along with him thoughtfully. "I am sorry you get to spend so little time together. Kal, if I am not too forward you do not seem happy, perhaps you need time off."


_man_of_steel_ September 16 2005, 18:19:07 UTC
Kal nods. "I don't know if I need time off from the work. More from what comes from it. J'onn and I talked about this earlier, but I had thought about stepping down from the chairmanship."


amazon_diana September 16 2005, 18:20:46 UTC
"Oh? That would certainly free up time for you and I know that it has been a burden you have carried quite a ways." she smiles. "Even the strongest man on earth tires."


_man_of_steel_ September 16 2005, 18:23:34 UTC
"True enough. And I think with the new direction the League needs to go it needs a new kind of leader. People keep saying that I'm looked up to an awful lot, and I don't like thinking it...but if that's the case, I think I need to do some looking up for awhile."

*The background music shifts seamlessly into Jim Croce's "Time in a Bottle". Clark shifts from two-step to waltz as the mandolin plays. He doesn't care if it empties the dance floor, he's loved this song since his Kansas days.*


amazon_diana September 16 2005, 18:28:44 UTC
She thinks about that and her conversation with Selina the other day. "I understand that."

She spots someone she has only seen through cats eyes on the edge of the room.

"Oh, there is someone you must meet Kal." she leads him to the edge of the floor.

"Hello Orion." she is not sure if she should call him Kip here. "I have someone I would like for you to meet."


_kip_ September 16 2005, 18:31:37 UTC
Kip's head tilts, then his widest smile appears. "Princess! What's a beautiful lady like you doing in a chilifest like this?"


_man_of_steel_ September 16 2005, 18:33:48 UTC
"Letting her hair down. Can you believe she had WINE? Scandalous!" Kal offers his hand. "You're Orion? A pleasure to meet you. I'm Superman...but I prefer Kal in my street clothes."


_kip_ September 16 2005, 18:37:25 UTC
The expression on Kip's face changes radically. His hands grip his cane a little harder, and the scarred eyes - hidden by some wire-rimmed sunglasses -actually tear up. He honestly can't speak.


amazon_diana September 16 2005, 18:39:21 UTC
"Kal no telling secrets on me." she is happy she was able to introduce them. "I am forcibly taking a break for a few hours. If I return too soon I will not be allowed in the door I am told. It is very good to see you finally."


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