Breakfast in the Question's apartment:

Sep 05, 2005 22:35

Detective Chimp wanders into the Question's cockroach-infested kitchen, scratching his rear as he yawns and stumbles in. A slight hangover, of course, but that's pretty typical. But at least he can do a favor to the Question by making breakfast for the sleeping paranoid hero.

Crap. He could have sworn he put the eggs away last night. God knows there was room in the fridge.

Well, they'll have been alright just overnight. The chimp busied himself with looking for a frying pan in Vic's kitchen...

...unaware that the eggs were beginning to shake in their carton. The top popped open, and as the chimp leaned far into a cabinet to find a dusty and greasy pan, the eggs began to explode, spilling their contents onto the counter and beginning to fry on the cold countertop.

"The hell?" Chimp looked up as he watched another egg explode onto the counter. He moved closer to eye the other eggs, also shaking.

That's when he also noticed the light shining from inside the fridge.

"Damn. I've seen this movie before." He strides to the fridge and throws the door open.

Well, there's certainly lots of room in the fridge now. Or there would be if it wasn't for all the evil already in there.

"Aw, crap. It's Zuul." He shuts the fridge door, turns, and walks into the Question's bedroom to wake him up.

"Hey, Question! Get up. We need to get out of here. You've got Evil in your fridge."

question, detective chimp, operation: chaos

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