
Sep 01, 2005 10:08

::Alan has his own ways of keeping an eye on Gotham. He promised Bruce he'd guard his city and that's just what he intends to do. No one will be harmed on his watch. He focuses the power of the Starheart and begins to stretch his consciousness using its power. Suddenly, in small hidden crevices and nooks throughout the city, appear hundreds of ( Read more... )

mad hatter, green lantern alan scott

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jla_extras September 1 2005, 12:17:48 UTC
Just outside of Arkham, a squat figure scurries from shadow to shadow.


lanterns_light September 1 2005, 13:25:37 UTC
::It is not long before he is noticed. Watching him surreptitiously, a tiny flaming green eye keeps tabs on him from the shadows. In the years he's been doing this Alan has learned one very important thing: Never underestimate a lunatic.::


jla_extras September 1 2005, 13:41:50 UTC
"Will you, won't you," he hums under his breath as he clambers over a crumbled bit of wall, far, far away from any security guard rounds. The jump to the ground on the other side nearly knocks the breath out of him, but he leans against the wall for a little bit, breathing carefully. Flicking a contemptuous look at the sign warning people against picking up hitchhikers in this area, he begins trotting up the road, humming contentedly.


lanterns_light September 1 2005, 13:45:55 UTC
::The eye discontinues following him as another, just up the street, resumes the monitoring from behind a sewer grate. If someone has helped this psychopath escape, best to wait and find out who. Alan wonders what Bruce would do in this situation as he watches.::


jla_extras September 1 2005, 14:01:54 UTC
Incredibly, traffic picks up, and eventually a taxi slows, the occupant peering at this funny-looking man. The driver is apparently a Sikh, his turban neatly arranged about his head. "Are you in need of a cab?" he asks.

The Mad Hatter smiles and gets into the back. "Yes," he says. "I like your turban." As the cab driver starts up the car again, a pudgy hand slips a small card under the folds of fabric. "Keep driving."


lanterns_light September 1 2005, 14:09:35 UTC
::Suddenly the cab stops, and begins lifting off the ground. In front of the cab, Alan appears. Enshrouded in the emerald fire of the Starheart and pointing at the passanger in the cab.::

"I will not let you bring this man to harm, Hatter."

::Cool green fire fills the cab, tearing it open. coalescing from the flames, two giant green hands. One for the driver. The other for the Hatter.::

"Arkham is where you came from and to Arkham you will return."

So much for subtle, he thinks to himself, Oh, well. Subtle has never been my strong suit.


jla_extras September 1 2005, 14:15:38 UTC
The cab driver stares blankly ahead as the Mad Hatter scowls. "You're not supposed to bring me back! That's the Bat's job! Twinkle, twinkle, little bat, how I wonder where you're at?"


lanterns_light September 1 2005, 15:32:31 UTC
::The shimmering, noble form of the Green Lantern changes momentarily. Alan's face changes to become something frightening.::

"He's busy doing something important. He asked me to fetch you and return you to where you belong."


jla_extras September 1 2005, 20:12:06 UTC
The Mad Hatter cringes, then speaks to the cab driver. "You have a gun under the seat, don't you? Take it out and shoot him."

And the cab driver reaches under his seat and pulls out a handgun, aiming and firing at the Green Lantern.


lanterns_light September 2 2005, 07:51:42 UTC
::The bullet slams into Alan's shoulder, tossing it backwards momentarily and causing Alan to turn slightly. When he turns back there is only a small green flame where the bullet hit. The Green Lantern looks very mad indeed. Tendrils of verdant fire lash out all around. One of them grabs the gun from the man, the other wraps around hatters face, covering his mouth tightly. Still another snatches the turbin from the man's head. Alan realizes the insult this will mean to the man, but thinks that death would be a less tolerable option ( ... )


jla_extras September 2 2005, 07:56:31 UTC
An orderly opens the door and blinks, gaping at the sight of the Green Lantern outside the asylum. Then he turns his head to shout to his colleagues: "Uh, we got another drop-off. Not the Bat this time. Uh ... Green guy. Lantern. Green Lantern."


lanterns_light September 2 2005, 08:05:12 UTC
"Yes. Batman asked me to handle this for him and I am doing so as a favor."

::Alan lowers the cab driver to a waiting attendant.::

"This man may need medical attention urgently."

::He then lowers the Hatter, enveloped in a flaming green straight jacket and his mouth held shut by another band of green fire.::

"...and I believe you folks lost this. I would suggest keeping a close eye on him. He may have managed to slip one of his nasty little devices in a hat or hairpiece of one of your staff. Unless there's anything further, there's work to be done."


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