Meanwhile, in the country of Kahndaq...

Aug 16, 2005 22:10

The sky is initially bright and clear. The people, still talking excitedly about yesterday's ceremony, where their beloved leader awarded such a high honor to the foreigners, who must no longer be considered strangers. Their future path will be a hard one, they know, but they face it unflinchingly, their faith in Teth Adam unwavering.

Then the clouds began to gather, more rapidly than clouds normally gather, blacker than most thunderheads, heavy with rain. And rain begins to fall, in huge drops.

At first the people welcome the rain, but then the drops get bigger, heavier, and faster. The wind picks up, and soon it screams across the countryside. The people begin to flock to their homes, but they are blown away by the wind or beaten down by the rain, and so they flee to the palace, crying out Teth Adam's name, begging him to be their king and savior.

The ground weakens beneath the walls of the capital, and they begin to lean over....

black adam, operation: chaos, atom smasher

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