The circle files -- encrypted to members

Aug 03, 2005 17:55

*The circle's computer system is a virtual maze with state of the art firewalls that would make Oracle and Orion drool. Once inside the maze, information moves into the flow in a wide variety of methods -- some is simply streaming data from a variety of media and research sites -- not unconventional, but well-filtered to bring data of interest to individual members forward. The data is logged automatically, and searchable. A second archive is literally millions of pages of individual reports -- with new ones uploaded with simple word processing tools, older ones scanned and converted. Somewhere, one imagines, there's mountains of actual paper. Or maybe not. The files are uploaded, indexed and, again, searchable. The last bit seems to be a purely informational blog, with all members having access and uploading items that seem important.*

From: Tanner Kae
Re: Justice League membership

From the patterning of League missions, including a second recent foray into space, we've deduced that there is a change in League membership looming, a split in the ranks. Standard reports fromthe JLA to the Pentagon have left an unclear picture -- data is classified at the moment, Pentagon officials are awaiting responses to queries about JLA activities in orbit.

The relevant bit comes from a Pentagon log, requesting updated current membership information to update security clearances. A standard request, it's doubtful the JLA has even noticed it yet -- patterns show their thoughtful on government requested paperwork, but not always prompt, and as this is a standard request, it may take until after their next meeting for it to even be processed. (Someone should suggest the League get an admin!)

We should be watching for that paperwork to be filed, it may confirm some of our suspicions.

the circle, tannarak

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