(no subject)

Jun 30, 2005 08:57

While the rest of the crowd is milling about getting drinks and ordering the roast duck or the lobster tail, making the world a better place has come up at Table #1. And it is table #1. Anywhere Bruce Wayne is sitting in Gotham automatically gets that distinction.

Jordan McIntyre beams at reclusive millionaire Ted Kord's conversation opener about, "being interested in everything." Lucius Fox leans in with his single malt scotch and listen intently.

"Good man!" Jordan enthuses, "Look at all the power and influence in this room -- almost humbling, isn't it? But really, how many of them are really looking to make the world a better place? How many are looking out for the little guy?"

Dr. Roxanne Ballentine ponders this to he left while he continues after a brief drink. "That's a lesson I learned from Thomas Wayne -- always put the needs of the many before the needs of the few, and the rest will follow."

And Sue Dibny, wife of the World Famous Elongated Man (really), who had been letting Ted drive the couple's conversation at the table thus far feels Bruce Wayne stiffen at the mention of his father ever so slightly. What Jordan doesn't know is that the man to her left is the Blue Beetle and to her right...Well, to her right is a man she's seen flip Superman over his shoulder. He thinks superheroes are a world away and inaccessible - all the while their own little secret worlds and drama are, in fact, being played out all over these tables, the buffet, and the dance floor.

The tension of Bruce Wayne, she knows from experience, is not a good sign. If he gets mad enough as Batman, Bruce Wayne will find a way to sabotage what they are doing. She locks eyes with Jefferson and nods quickly. Thanks for flirting with Ted, earlier, and being completely not smooth about it, honey. she silently comments to Dr. Ballentine across the table. Now, that he’s relaxed, *I* get to be the big shiny decoy...at least where Batman is concerned.

"Well, I guess the superhero set *tries*, but the view is a little distance from the moon." Sue comment. "That's all the more reason to create more everyday heroes, isn't that right Mr. Wayne."

She holds Ted's hand on the table, but she leans in attractively towards the other man. Any distraction she might cause can therefore be written off as the dress.

blue beetle, lucius fox, batman, jordan mcintyre, black lightning, charity gala, the circle, sue dibny, roxy ballentine

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