New Arrivals at the Ball

Jun 29, 2005 16:42

Lucius Fox isn't even what would be considered fashionably late. Working on Wayne Corp latest set of figures well over time to go to this...ball thing...he none the less strolls in well past the formal announcement time, confident that his substantial bank account and influence over one of the world's largest manufacturing and technological development corporations will allow him the privilege of working a little late to make sure all the "i's" are dotted and "t's" crossed back at the office.

The date on his arm is also a reflection of duty to the company more than a social call. Roxanne Ballentine was one of the best young minds he had seen at Wayne Tech in a good long time - even if she might be carrying herself more like a junior high age girl at an Easter formal out of sheer nervousness. As she straightened her violet floor length gown one more time and checked the blonde hair she had swept up into a functional bun, Lucius could help but laugh a bit under his breath. She'd dazzle them. More importantly, her idea would dazzle Wayne and make the company a heck of a lot of money. tracking Bruce Wayne could be trying though, and Lucius couldn't turn down an opportunity to bypass months of meetings and second-guessing for Roxanne's product. Besides, Mr. Wayne had a interest in these type of gadgets for reasons that were all his.

Now, she needed to relax. "Rocky, we all put our pants on one leg at a time, okay. Your going to be fine."

She smiled at her boss. She was equal parts flattered he would find her acceptable for something like this, hoping she'd be okay meet the unofficial prince of the city and that her idea would get the grant she needed to work on it, and completely overwhelmed by the whole ball atmosphere. She hadn't even been to her prom. She also heard Ted Kord would be here, and well... her was more of a rock star to her than Bono over the in the corner. Nerves, nerves, nerves!

"Easy for you to say, boss," she said as she eyed the dance floor with a nervous smile. "You aren't the office klutz."

lucius fox, jordan mcintyre, charity gala, roxy ballentine

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