Portents in Thunder

Jun 29, 2005 16:03

* Captain Marvel and Mary Marvel soar high up in the sky. Glints of gold light softly fades away in their wake. Making best speed, their course draws them to Fawcett city. To say that there’s a lot on Captain Marvels’ mind would be a gross understatement. He has a clear course ahead of him however and he finds comfort in that.

Thunder rolls in the clouds as they pass. “Strange.” he thinks. “I didn’t see any lightning..”

Again and again, the low resounding ‘boom’ of thunder resounds and growls in the clouds below them as they pass. “Unless we’re the Lightning of course..”

“You catch that?” he queries his sister.
She nods in affirmation.

Something’s up. Something big and magic. Better keep an eye out and check in with Fate soon. *

operation: chaos, captain marvel, mary marvel

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