The Sound of Silence in Hub City

Jun 28, 2005 16:35

The sparkling hue of the city's lights twinkle from high above the city's rooftops. The hussel and general city noises are heard throughout. Even if you're inside in a sound-proof facility, you swear to yourself thinking-- knowing damn well you've just been jolted, at that second, by some jerkoff with a loud car horn.




Cell phone ringers.



This wasn't his city so therefore the same set of "rules" didn't apply.

"So like-- could you BUH-leeve what Danielle was wearing tonight? OH God. Who decided to let her out of her cage with THOSE rags on." a blonde haired girl, walked by with her equally blonde friend.

"And did you SEE the way Brad was just all over her? I can't believe him! What does she see in her!?"

"You've got me. But I certainly know it's not her good looks."

Murmur's eyes floated down to the pair of women, his eyes rolling underneath his mask. Why did girls have to talk so much? Why did they ALWAYS have to chatter?

He cringed. The noise. The noise of their words irritated him. Annoyed him. Angered him.

How dare THEY speak! They weren't ASKED to open their mouths!

That was okay though. He would fix it.

A sadistic smile formed at the corners of his mouth. The skin at the corners pinching, tearing as he did so. Fresh blood seemed to ooze over the bits of dried blood over his mouth, over the strings that held his mouth together. Completely sewn shut.

With a leap, the jangling of chains and clips clanged against the metal of the fire escape for a moment.

The first blonde girl gaspsed and spun on her pink pumps. "Stacey--? Did you hear that?"

Stacey turned and raised an eyebrow. "It was just a cat, Jenny, c'mon. I parked up at the next parking structure." She groaned. "Stupid parking."

"AH!!!!!!!!!!" Jenny dropped her glittering handbag, taking notice to the set of eyes that now rested upon her and Stacey.

"What are you screaming about--" Stacey spun and gave a blood curdling scream as well. "GET THE HELL AWAY--!"

Murmur growled and produced a blade in his left hand. "Shttt p!" He spoke as best as anyone could, at least anyone missing a tongue.

"WHAT??" Jenny started backing away, her hand clentched against Stacey' wrist. "If this was about that pack of--"

Murmur raised his left hand and quickly swiped each of the girl's cheek's before slamming his foot into one, sending her into a daze against the brick wall. With his free hand, he stalked over and uncorked a test tube, containing a greenishblack syrup and poured half of the liquid down the girl's throat.

"WHAT are you doing!?" Stacey screamed in a blind panic, trying to inch over to her friend. "WHAT is--"

In a swift move, the same substance was then being poured down Stacey's mouth. Murmur's fingers clenched against her throat for a moment until he started to listen to the syrup get to work. The bubbling and crackling acid started to eat away at Stacey's lips. She gaged-- gargled and tried effortlessly to spit it out.

Murmur capped his test tube and placed it back into his belt hook. He stepped away and looked back to admire his handiwork. "Sllllnce." he murmured.

Within five minutes, the two girls were dead, laying nearly side by side on the street. Their mouths melted away.

Thanks to Murmur. Thanks to the Frenzy virus.

question, murmur

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