(no subject)

Jun 21, 2005 13:29

Scattered tools of his nights work can be seen around the room in the abandoned building he has been using as a workshop. In one corner are a pick and shovel covered with fresh earth with gloves and boots saturated with liquid and mud flung beside them. On the table where he's been working are several newspaper clippings and lists. Special ink and paper with a scattering of tobacco cover small bottles of ingredients and a quill made from a dove feather. Taking the pack of cigarettes from the table and putting them in the pocket that doesn't hold the lock opening device that Huntress aqcuired for him he's ready to go.

Breaking in is harder this time. Seems like they got tired of everyone waltzing in and out like this was a public building rather than the hospital containing the most dangerous criminally insane inmates in the country. He'd need to be a little less obvious than last time when he was able to break in with some fairly unsophisticated tools. He's going in the back service entrance, it will have the other things he wants for his little visit to the looney ward. The lock opener is inserted and it gives a clack that only sounds loud to him when it snaps the lock open. Repocketing the device he makes his way down the corridors of the laundry room where he takes a lab coat in exchange for his own.

If you wanted to raise energy in a prison, where would you do it? Experience tells him the answer and he starts making his way to the level where electroshock and other "treatments" are administered.

two-face, mad hatter, victor zsasz, scarecrow, joker, dr. destiny, harley quinn, john constantine, ventriloquist, deathstroke the terminator

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