Breaking News!

May 14, 2005 19:47

"Good everning. This is Linda Park with channel three news--

An emergency bulletin has been issued for all areas of the downdown and business district. Please take shelter in storm cellars, basements or any fallout shelter you have. DO NOT, I repete, DO NOT leave your homes or businesses.

Fallout-- once a mason by the name of Neil Borman-- and a walking nuclear cell, has somehow slipped from the Iron Heights Institution.

Iron Heights officals are calling this "unlike Neil to subject himself to this" for he's been "really docile and wanting to seek treatments for the freak accident that he was involved in" some time ago.

Please do NOT approach this man if you see him. Reportedly he's not armed, but he IS very dangerous, not to mention bio-hazardous, to anyone."

For the imediate downtown and business districts: Neil Borrman, also known as Fallout, has escaped from Iron Heights. Please stay inside and stay away from windows and doors to prevent contact with the radiation.

captain atom, fallout, sinestro

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