January 5th 2973 Earth Calendar -Commercial Stellar Orbit, Alpha Centauri

Aug 15, 2011 09:03

"...Attention valued passengers. We have completed transition into Realspace and are now awaiting our gate window in the Alpha Centauri system. First and second class passengers may wish to gather in the observation deck for refreshments and a view of the stellar tide. Fourth class passengers must now return to their sleep closets.

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cosmic boy, karate kid, legion, saturn girl, invisible kid, lightning lad

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jla_legion October 25 2011, 18:43:04 UTC
Aboard the bridge, the security robot sparks, fizzles, then falls lifeless, "Wow! Well done, guys. Now we just need to find someone who can clean this mess up...maybe the Science Police..."

He's scanning the various consoles for the communications array. Finding it, he smiles, "They'd be perfect for this now that we've gotten everything under control."

Rokk presses a few buttons on the array, sending a distress call on the ultra-tight emergency bandwidth for the Science Police response team.

Then, to the others, Hey, guys. I'm thinking that if we don't want to spend the best part of our youth in an interrogation cell, we'd better head back to the observation lounge while the Science Police finish their deep-fried pastries and respond to our call.


macchio_man October 27 2011, 17:29:43 UTC
Val nods, taking one last look around.



jla_legion October 27 2011, 21:42:40 UTC
As they are returning to the observation lounge, Rokk gives Val a considerate once over, "Those are some fantastic moves you've got there. How long does a guy have to study to be that good?"

Then to Garth, "You too. What planet are you from? I don't think I've ever encountered someone with abilities quite like yours."


macchio_man November 2 2011, 16:00:28 UTC
"I've been studying combat since I was old enough to walk - family tradition. You can learn quickly if your mind is open and your spirit is willing."

This one has much confidence, but little vanity, it seems.


jla_legion2 November 8 2011, 16:38:59 UTC
"Hey heroes." Imra is beaming with relief, both in her expression and in the fading presence of the telepathic network she had been maintaining for them.

Smiling brightly, she steps away from the crowd of civilians and towards the arriving young men. She stops short, a slight blush on her face. She realized she was about to go for the 'group hug moment'.


jla_legion November 8 2011, 16:41:35 UTC
Garth would totally have been very OK with a hug...from Imra. Sprock.

He can't stop grinning anyhow. "Hey yeah, we're heroes huh?"

Maybe no one will notice he's supposed to be in a sleep cabinet....


jla_legion2 November 8 2011, 16:44:31 UTC
The maître d' of the observation deck, having been contacted by the recovering ship crew steps in to restore order and steps forward.

"Young man, I am afraid you do not have passenger clearance for this area."


jla_legion November 8 2011, 16:45:19 UTC


jla_legion November 9 2011, 01:06:44 UTC
"Well...you see, sir. If my friend here is forced to leave, I'm pretty sure I'll have to raise issue with the handling of your security. Imagine how the press would just love to hear the champion of magnoball tell everyone how this very exclusive starliner put him and several other citizens in danger through poor planning and shoddy security practices."

His status rarely comes with much benefit, being that he's still a minor but there's one thing he knows. A whole heck of a lot of kids watch his sport and most of those kids have parents and/or guardians...


clear_thinker November 10 2011, 20:13:39 UTC
"Mr. Ranzz, in fact, should get an immediate status upgrade for the remaining duration of the flight - considering what nearly happened here."

Lyle has rejoined the group, none the worse for wear, nodding to Rokk as a sign of agreement with his sentiment.

"Happy passengers are quiet passengers."


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