Full Tilt

Mar 28, 2011 12:01

The place is technically a private party as far as the law is concerned. The people at the door know what they are doing and it makes it virtually impossible for officers of the law to get in. Combined with an insufficient GCPD budget, the recent invasion and numerous other problems that plague the city's services, what lies behind the door is virtually a playground of the illegal and sensual. "Full Tilt" as a result has rapidly become one of the hottest club rave scenes among Gotham's teen through twenty crowd.

The music matches the chemically altered heartbeats of many in the crowd. As a rule the patrons have a few things in common. They're young, generally pretty and have cash to spend. Some only qualify in part, making up for their shortcomings in one category by being lush in the others. It's a candy land of sensory overload, altered states and vibrant indulgence. Industrial ventilation keeps the heat of the crowd under control and clever layout and surreal lighting makes the already sizable location even more grandiose and mazelike. Three levels of catwalks support platforms where neon lit watering holes preside over translucent dance stages and go-go platforms. Youth, late minors and young adults alike, swarm everywhere in daring and revealing clothes as they move and gyrate to the fast paced rhythms that threaten to deafen the ear. This is where innocence is offered up as a sacrifice on the altar of sensual abandon.

superboy, robin, bane, spoiler

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