(no subject)

Mar 15, 2011 18:03

The last thing Zatanna remembered was being somewhat impressed that she got everyone back to the Watchtower without them having the wrong heads on their bodies. Pretty much right after blackness fuzzed out the edges of her sight and her knees went weak. Then nothing. She'd worn herself out with that one. Trying to grab a hold of specific people to teleport with them all skattered about was not something she was going to try again any time in the near future.

She woke up feeling rumpled and less than at optimum performance in one of the spare rooms. Her head was wobbly and her stomach was holding her backbone hostage. Apparently her blood sugar plummetted and food was a priority. Wrinkling her nose she slipped out of the bed to head down the hall in search of food then a ride back to Shadowcrest after finding out how Guy was doing. She didn't want to try another teleport so soon on a bet, thanks.

zatanna, green arrow ollie queen

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