100 Recruitment Drive

Mar 07, 2011 13:17

"Welcome everyone! I assume from everyone here that you've decided to take our employer's generous offer to join us in our endeavor to take this city as our own." The orator was Chiller, currently in his true form as he addressed his audience. To his right was a woman with long red hair, completely covered in a blue and purple striped outfit. To his left was a brute of an individual wearing a blue and gold armored suit. Behind the trio was another large man, but this one was decked completely in black fatigues along with a ski mask and sunglasses, completely concealing his identiyty.

"The underworld's in tatters right now and is ripe for someone to step up and fill the void. Of course if we know this so do the capes, so they'll be on extra guard." Chiller extends his arms out to the gathered criminals. "That's where you gentleman come in. We will ingrain ourselves into the very fabric of this city. By the time we're finished, not even Batman himself will be able to dislodge us."

Chiller smiles as he takes in the crowd.

"Now I'm sure you hae questions, so feel free to ask."

mindancer, shockwave, captain nazi, icicle, body doubles, shrapnel, stallion, spook, chiller, corporate warfare, brutale

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