You Really Are Wrong!!

Feb 18, 2011 22:26

"Hi, I'm Louie Lebowski, and I welcome you one and all to the first episode in the new series of You! Are! Wrong!!!" The studio audience applauds, cheers and hoots as the purple-suited host punches the airs and jogs the the sparkling podium of the new set for You Are Wrong, the pre-eminent national scandal show.

The audience dies down as Lebowski raises the microphone to his mouth again. "Well a lot has been going on while we've been off the air, and woo let me tell you we had a lot to say about these things. Talk of aliens in Gotham, reports of costumed heroes and costumed villains side by side and a host of other outlandish goings-on nationwide. You can catch all of our opinions in our highly successful podcast, where we interview people who escaped and endured throughout the turmoil in that bleak city, and even conduct a controlled chat with the infamous King Tut from his cell in Arkham. It's a hoot, I tell you what!"

Turning to face Camera B, Louie sweeps his hair back and grins. "But now onto present day and the jewel of our United States; the city of Metropolis. Not all is peachy in the City of Tomorrow as talk of a new drug corrupting the youth of today has spread far and wide. Deaths caused by overdose and children procuring these candy-like capsules only to end up in hospital in uncontrollable frenzy has caused concern far and wide, and in this episode of You Are Wrong we talk to some concerned (and influential) Metropolis citizens about what exactly is going on in the wonderful city of Superman!"

The audience applauds again as Louie jogs across the studio, the panel section of the set lighting up to reveal his three guests. He grins at all three in turn, sweeps his hair (again), and turns to wink at the camera. "These drugs, known on the street as Destiny, Hero, Craze and Paradiso have different effects on their users. Destiny supposedly imbues a far-sighted awareness, Hero makes you feel invulnerable, Craze makes you hellish intense and Paradiso sends you into a conscious dreamlike state. All have vicious and in some cases deadly side-effects. One suspected drug kingpin of Gotham, Alonzo Torquemada, has gone on record as saying that all of these new designer drugs are putting the heroin and cocaine dealers out of business, so now we turn to our panel." The spotlight is turned solely onto the guests. "What is Metropolis doing to combat this influx of new drugs? Is the source suspected? Will we re-enter Reagan's era of a War on Drugs?"

lord satanus, superman, ambush bug, a shadow is cast, lois lane

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