Abra Cadabra?

Feb 16, 2011 15:16

Zatanna's digs in San Francisco are less ominous than Shadowcrest, not that 'ominous' got to a teen that lived in Wayne Manor and hung out in the cave under it..when he wasn't sneaking around Gotham and beating up drug dealers ( Read more... )

zatanna, robin

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zatanna_z February 16 2011, 23:23:48 UTC
There is something startling about getting yanked from one city to the next mystically, without purposely doing so, that can make even the most experienced magic slinger blink twice. Zee is definitely no exception. She was ready to start hurling energy bolts around until she realized she was in her house (DUSTY house) in San Fran and that she had set up that spell for whenever anyone important knocked on the door or rang the bell.

She spent one moment putting her face into her hand with a sigh then went to answer the door. Seeing who was standing on her porch shot her brows up a bit in further surprise.

"Tim? Hi!"


tim_drake_robin February 16 2011, 23:44:12 UTC

"Hi Zee! Can I come in?"


zatanna_z February 16 2011, 23:49:27 UTC
"Oh! Sorry." She smiled and stepped back, holding the door open. "Of course."

She was dressed in civvies, though more for Gotham in February and not San Francisco which meant jeans and a sweater. Fortunately she had a thermal shirt on under it so the sweater was tugged over her head as Tim came in.

"I'm not -ngf!-" yay, static hair! "sure, but there's probably soda or something in the fridge."


tim_drake_robin February 16 2011, 23:59:33 UTC
Tim comes in and looks around. It's a habit. Check the exits, Check security, blah blah blah and so on.
Outwardly it looks like a few curious glances and then he's done. He drops his backpack off near the front door and follows Zee in.

"I'm good with water actually. I don't have wacky meta genes to keep me at my A- game, so I just keep the food simple.

I'm sorry to drop in like this without calling."

He pauses,
"Hey I didn't drop in at a bad time or anything did I?"


zatanna_z February 17 2011, 00:04:02 UTC
"I'll check and see if I have any bottled. You don't want to drink bay water, trust me."

She tosses the sweater to the side then jerks her head for him to follow her, a smile on her face and her hair a bit wild for the static.

"Nope. Not a bad time. I just wasn't here when you first showed up." She heads for the kitchen and hopes there wasn't anything becoming a colony in the fridge or sink.


tim_drake_robin February 17 2011, 00:06:53 UTC
"LA water is worse. It's like drinking a metal pipe. Bleh!"

"Did you 'magic' yourself here? What's that like? Is it like the Watchtower 'porter?"

Tim follows her into the kitchen.


zatanna_z February 17 2011, 00:17:57 UTC
She hasn't been around someone so energetically curious about magic in ages! It made her laugh, which honestly felt good, but not mockingly so as she tentatively pulled open the fridge door. Nothing growled or snapped at her and apparently she had stocked up on non-perishables before she left for lo! There is bottled water.

"The porter makes me queezy so no. It isn't like that." She smiled as she came out of the fridge and tossed a bottle of water to Time. "It's more like when you look away from watching a David Lynch movie for a moment. Suddenly you're somewhere else without explanation."


tim_drake_robin February 17 2011, 00:20:16 UTC
Tim nods.

Tim fidgets.


..I kinda need your help with something super extremely dumb I think I did."


zatanna_z February 17 2011, 00:22:09 UTC
Tim is freakin' adorable!

She had hopped up to sit on the counter then opened her own water while he dithered, taking a drink. Then her brows lift a little.

"I don't do paternity tests."


tim_drake_robin February 17 2011, 00:28:08 UTC
Tim's eyes go wide.

"Um NO. That's not it. Whoa, no no no. Not that kind of dumb."


zatanna_z February 17 2011, 00:29:45 UTC
She couldn't help the giggle that escaped but she did try to muffle it with another drink of water.

"Tim, I dated, loved and defended John Constantine. I'm pretty much the authority on dumb. What happened?"


tim_drake_robin February 17 2011, 00:32:54 UTC
"I uh...."

oh boy

"...got stuck in Hell for about a year. I don't remember the details but ummm.....I think I may have made a deal with Neron."


zatanna_z February 17 2011, 00:34:29 UTC
Her eyes went wide to hear he'd been in Hell, but then the bottle of water got slowly set down for the rest of it.

"...oh, Tim."


tim_drake_robin February 17 2011, 00:38:27 UTC
His heart sinks.

"Yeah...I uh...yeah."

Tim swallows.

"Lady Shiva is one of my teachers. She doesn't take on many students, so she wasn't willing to let me just go down the drain. She and Richard Dragon managed to follow me down and ended up beating Neron in some kind of test of contest. They got me back and we surfaced in Gotham during all the Darkseid crazy that went on there. I've only been back like a week, but Neron did some kind of magic while I was gone, preventing people from consciously realizing I was absent. It seems to have been dropping away now that I'm back."


zatanna_z February 17 2011, 00:42:59 UTC
She frowned with her nose wrinkling just slightly. That's got to suck to not be missed! Not have anyone know enough to come after you! Fucking demons!

"What kind of deal did you make?"


tim_drake_robin February 22 2011, 23:06:03 UTC
Tim runs his fingers through his tousled hair and out of his eyes. It flops right back to his eyes of course.

"That's the trouble, I can't remember what the terms were. It's all a vague fog. All I know is that Shiva broke it or somehow exploited some kind of loophole or opportunity when she went up against Neron."

He takes a drink of the water and looks up to Zee.

"I want to know if there is anything weird on me or...my soul."
So freaking weird to put it like that.

"I want to know if Neron or anyone else can pull any strings on me."


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