Krolotean Persuasion

Feb 03, 2011 16:24

Gleen was annoyed. Before the Cyborg recruited the human imprisoned on Oa, HE was the one in charge of their genetic engineering projects. Now, now this..this..arrogant, bald monkey was given reign over the project. There wasn't a species in the galaxy that were greater practitioners of the art of genetic engineering than the Krolotean Gremlins.

Still, what the Cyborg asked bordered on the impossible. He literally wanted to create brand new unique, lifeforms. Anyone even remotely aquainted with the science would tell you that you can't make something from nothing. You can meld DNA, you can evolve DNA, or you can alter DNA to such an extent that the end result would not even remotely resemble the parent subject. However, you cannot create something from nothing, it was scientifically unfeasible. Henshaw would be better off turning to magic if he wanted something from nothing.

Gleen sighed at the insanity of it. Still, the venture was not a total dissappointment. He had aquired enough knowledge of Psion scientific tenchniques to justify this venture. Also, the run-in with the Green Lantern was an unexpected bonus. Malefic wanted to know if the Lantern had alerted his fellows to the events on Rann, as well as any other significant information he could pry from the human. Gleen didn't think for a minute that he would learn anything fruitful. Green Lanterns were notoriously hard to break.

Gleen smiled as he reached the interrogation room and its unconscious prisoner. Gardner's ring was removed and locked inside an energy field. He was bound on a metal operating table, arms and legs spread. The table itself was positioned so that the prisoner could face his interrogator face-to-face. Gleen had accessed his ring's knowledge on the human, and despite himself he found the human's history interesting. Yes, this would be fun.

With little fanfare he walked up to the unconscious prisoner and gave the man a swift backhand to the face.

"Wake up, monkey. You've slept long enough."

born to rann, malefic, gleen, green lantern guy gardner, despero, lex luthor, cyborg superman

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