Escape From Gotham City

Oct 19, 2010 20:17

The trek out of hell takes longer than one might expect. All those twists and turns, and the natives aren't exactly reliable for directions. Shiva, Dragon, and Tim Drake have hauled themselves out of the infernal realms, though, with no further interference from Neron. Then back through Gotham Below - finally emerging from a dark alleyway in the ( Read more... )

lady shiva, victor zsasz, electrocutioner, tally man, robin, richard dragon, cicada, alfred, bane

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shiva_wusan October 20 2010, 04:17:50 UTC
Shiva's eyes narrow at this development.

This is not a good thing.


jla_randoms October 20 2010, 14:57:06 UTC
There is some disorientation punctuated by the clear knowledge that he was literally in Hell. It's just that the details of the experience refuse to come into focus.

Never mind that right now. Be present.

Eyes skyward, he steps without thinking into nearby shadows.
"No, this is Gotham.."

..but something is wrong.


jla_villains October 20 2010, 21:50:36 UTC
As if to prove Tim's unspoken proclamation a sizable group of people come into view. Most of them seem to be, or at least were, average Gotham citizens. Except these citizens are armed to the teeth with makeshift weapons. However, the three men leading the group stand out. Up front was a tall, pale grey man with a long thin beard. To his right wearing a black and red costume and to his left was a blonde-haired man covered with scars.

"My, my, greetings brothers and sisters. Judging by your confusion you are new to the new order in Gotham, oh pardon, I mean New Apokolips. The whole world would have known by now if not for that accursed gorilla. We are in the process of attempting to correct that."

"I am Brother Hersch, this is Brother Zsasz and Brother Buchinksy, consider us your official welcoming committee. Would you care to hear the word of Deacon Blackfire?"


jla_randoms October 20 2010, 22:33:36 UTC
New Apokolips. Zsasz. Blackfire. These are all very loaded words. Loaded enough to know that a dialog would be pointless.

Already in the shadows, thanks to long ingrained habit, Robin is like a ghost as he retreats behind a dumpster and makes his way up a nearby fire escape. Quiet as a cat he finds a vantage point from above, batarang in hand.


uncommon_sensei October 20 2010, 22:51:39 UTC
"Deacon Blackfire, huh? Doesn't ring a bell. One of those television evangelists?"

Dragon smiles, but it's not a friendly smile.


jla_villains October 20 2010, 22:55:24 UTC
Zsasz smiles an almost perfect copy of Dragon's.

"I don't think they have any interest in converting, Brother Hersch. Perhaps they'd be more inclined after a bit of evisceration."


uncommon_sensei October 21 2010, 19:31:09 UTC
"Victor Zsasz, right? I've heard a bit about you. Supposedly, you're pretty talented. And the little scars are a tally of the people you've killed."

Dragon adopts a defensive combat posture.

"Of course, how many of them actually knew how to fight back?"


jla_miscreants October 21 2010, 20:02:24 UTC
"Watch your mouth, pal. Brother Zsasz was one of the deacon's first converts. Show him some respect or I'll fry you back to whatever bad kung-fu b-movie you crawled out of."


jla_villains October 21 2010, 20:22:43 UTC
"Shut up Buchinsky, if he wants a piece of me I'm happy to oblige. If you want to help go look for the kid."

Zsasz removes a pair of knives from his belt. He takes one by the blade end, hilt facing Dragon.

"Wanna make this even?"


uncommon_sensei October 22 2010, 03:08:36 UTC
"Even? You got six brothers I don't know about?"

Dragon's smile never wavers.

"Let me make something clear. I know your rep. They say you move like the devil himself. But we just finished kicking the devil's ass, so I'm feeling pretty good about this. I'm Richard, by the way. Richard Dragon."

He launches into the air with a kick.


jla_villains October 22 2010, 15:47:02 UTC
"Have it your way, Dragon."

Zsasz darts to the right as the kick comes inches away from his face. With both knives out, Zsasz attempts to slice into Dragon's knee with his right and Dragon's ribcage with his left."


uncommon_sensei October 22 2010, 17:46:58 UTC
Dragon's body twists in the air, turning to avoid Zsasz's slashes - landing on his feet on the other side of the man.

"So who's this other guy? The Shocker?"

Another kick, this one grounded, turns out to be a feint to position Zsasz for a roundhouse.


jla_villains October 22 2010, 19:37:40 UTC
Batman pulled the same stunt once before, Zsasz is ready for it this time. As Dragon foot comes around. he aims for Dragon's ankle.

"He joined the same time Cicada did, calls himself Electrocutioner. Apaarently he's the third one, I really din't give a damn enough to ask what happened to the first two."


uncommon_sensei October 23 2010, 04:00:31 UTC
Dragon pulls the kick in time to avoid a serious injury, but Zsasz may be happy at the sign of a thin line of blood indicating a wound.

"Third? I guess there's something to be said for tradition."

Since this guy's apparently used to Batman's fighting style, Dragon plays along - imitating some typical kicks and punches of his former student - until Zsasz gets comfortable and overanticipates one. Then he'll switch to tiger-claw kung fu.


jla_villains October 23 2010, 15:14:55 UTC
Zsasz knows the wound's mostly superficial, but there is some satisfaction in drawing first blood.

"Maybe, but if the first two didn't work out, why the hell would a third?"

It's at this time Robin's flashbang goes off.

"Ah! Son of a.."

Zsasz can't see a damn thing, so keeps himself in a defensive posture, knives at the ready the minute he hears anything get close.


uncommon_sensei October 24 2010, 14:06:30 UTC
Dragon chuckles inwardly - the flashbang would make this too easy, but this isn't exactly the time to worry about a fair fight. He jumps in, nearly silent, with a crushing kick directed at Zsasz's ankle.


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