Fly me to the moon

Jun 22, 2010 12:44

Conrad Laughlin was a man on a mission.  More than anyone besides his specialists knew of.  The Justice League's Watchtower satellite required minute-by-minute updates and maintenance.  This is not something normally handled by its members, so tech support is always moving through.

The background check is well and truly exhausting.  One day's ( Read more... )

owlman roy raymond, queen bee, dr. phosphorus, mirror master, weather wizard, dr. light, captain stingaree, dr. polaris, captain cold, clock king, fadeaway man, clayface, flash jay garrick, brutale, eel, zauriel, heat wave, kip blackwell, stallion, green lantern hal jordan, gorilla grodd, savitar, copperhead ii, killer wasp, hyena, rainbow raider, wonder woman, girder

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Meanwhile, in the Watchtower... _kip_ June 22 2010, 23:41:02 UTC
Kip Blackwell, the satellite's resident IT guru and Oracle's on-site aide, is manning the command center alone, for all intents and purposes, thanks to the crisis in Chicago. With his Braille system set up to one side and most of the other systems voice-activated and capable of spewing all sorts of information via audio, he is able to monitor the activities planet-side without much effort. It's a job he's done in the past and no doubt will have to do again.

The fact that his beloved jazz is not playing would be a strong indication of the seriousness of the issues the Justice League faces. But that doesn't prevent him from whistling a bit of Duke Ellington while he waits. At his side in another chair sits a large orange tabby, as if helping monitor the crisis.


Re: Meanwhile, at the Legion of Doom HQ... jla_miscreants June 27 2010, 10:07:23 UTC
"Ladies and gentlemen, the witching hour is at hand. It is time to breach the Watchtower." Back at the Legion of Doom HQ in the bayou of Louisiana, the Clock King puts his fob watch in his pocket, and sends Brutale, Captain Cold and Rainbow Raider the signal to activate their half of the teleportation relay.

The signal gets through, as the Clock King, Queen Bee, Clayface, Fadeaway Man, the Eel, Fiddler, Sonar and others find themselves beamed to the breach that the three moon-based villains have created silently. The Clock King clicks one of his stop-watches, and time halts briefly, as with a struggle he inflates the portable airlock around them so that they don't need to worry about lack of oxygen as they enter through the small hole.


The JLA Watchtower Laboratories jla_miscreants June 27 2010, 10:21:31 UTC
The warped monstrosity known as the Eel leads the group through the breach and into one of the many laboratories on the Watchtower. "We... have to move... fast. Clock King's time... manipulation and Fadeaway's... sensor blanking tech... will only hide us for so... long. As will Clay... face's disguises. Split... up. Take... Damage... Kill what you can!"

With that, the Eel heads off towards one of the other laboratories. Maybe he will be able to find a chemical that can stabilise his powers.


Re: The JLA Watchtower Laboratories jla_blackgate June 28 2010, 08:00:43 UTC
Stallion is close behind the Eel, looking for something in particular in all of the cabinets of chemicals. "Miraclo, miraclo, where the hell are ya?"

He smashes one of the cabinets with his fists, and sifts through some of the bottles. "Nope, nope, nope. Gingold? Pfah! Nope..." He sniffs the air, and is about to turn to the Eel as he recognises that something is amiss.

Instead, he just collapses to the ground as the knockout gas reaches his lungs.


jla_miscreants June 28 2010, 08:05:33 UTC
The Eel twists to see Stallion hit the deck, and makes a warbling sound as the odour hits his gills. Fortunately, he doesn't as much breathe as process oxygen and expel it as fluid, so the knockout gas just makes him seep a viscous layer of goo as he creeps around the lab.

"Eel to... moon team. Gas attack. Prepare masks if you... have no natural... defence..." The Eel continues to lope around, smashing any bottles he doesn't recognise, creating a toxic soup on the floor.


The JLA Watchtower Cells jla_blackgate June 27 2010, 10:25:57 UTC
"Bueno. I'll be heading for the cells, chicas. I'm gonna be bringing some spice to this little party of ours..." Brutale runs off down a corridor, practically springing from wall-to-wall. The other villains wouldn't have seen how agile the Hasaraguan can be, but the way he moves and handles his knives is deadly and really quite frightening.

"Ah, me gusta." With a grin, Brutale walks into the sealed prison section, where criminals too dangerous to be sent back down to Earth and too Earth-related to be sent to Oa are kept. He can only see some of the figures in their transparent cells, but begins to work on the control panel with the grace of an accomplished hacker.


Re: The JLA Watchtower Cells jla_villains June 27 2010, 14:48:52 UTC
"Hurry," Queen Bee urges, watching the cells eagerly. "I want this place destroyed from the inside out."


Re: The JLA Watchtower Cells jla_blackgate June 27 2010, 16:38:43 UTC
"Of course, my Queen." Brutale and the Queen Bee having already made an arrangement between them, the Guillermo slips her a smile from behind his mask, and is able to hack the control panel to the cells.

That technology he bought from Dr. Morrow was worth every penny. Stepping into the cell area, taking his Queen by the hand, he leads her past their subjects.

Dr. Arthur Light - transported from the Brownstone to the Watchtower whilst waiting for free space in Alcatraz.

Gorilla Grodd - captured during a Suicide Squad mission in San Francisco.

Solomon Grundy - caught by a Green Lantern during one of his regular raids on Gotham City.

Savitar - caught by the Flash and held temporarily while Iron Heights has another anti-speedster containment cell built.

Dr. Phosphorus - caught by Starfire after trying to escape Earth's atmosphere, whilst raving that God's messenger had judged him and found him unworthy.Brutale finishes looking at the plaques on the fronts of the cells, and looks to Queen Bee. "There are more putas through there," he ( ... )


jla_villains June 27 2010, 18:04:51 UTC
"Not Grodd," says Queen Bee, eying the cells between brilliant smiles at Brutale. How she does love fawning subjects. "I loathe the presumptuous bastard. Light...interesting... Oh, Phosphorus is here. He could be terribly fun, don't you think?"


jla_miscreants June 27 2010, 22:09:33 UTC
"Let me out, your highness, and I'll sacrifice one hundred people in your name!" Savitar hangs upside down in his cell, wired to various surfaces and machines, preventing him from obtaining any motion.

"In fact, I'll sacrifice a full thousand! You can have their bodies, and I will have their life force so that my speed will continue to increase!" The masked lunatic grins as much as he's able.


jla_villains June 27 2010, 22:12:23 UTC
"Do not listen to that mad fool. Listen to Grodd. Release me and I shall turn my destructive power on our mutual enemies!!" Grodd tries his damnedest to force his mental powers on Queen Bee and Brutale, but the Martian Manhunter's psychic shield technology prevents any such attempt from succeeding.

"The world will fear Grodd again! THEY WILL ALL FEAR GRODD!!! AAA-AAA-AAAA!!!" The massive gorilla beats his chest and salivates.


jla_villains June 28 2010, 02:58:24 UTC
Queen Bee casts a disparaging gaze at Grodd. "Proof positive of why I do not at all care to see him released into the wilds again." To Savitar she adds, "I distrust speedsters."


monstersociety June 28 2010, 07:32:01 UTC
Dr. Light just sits in the corner of his cell, staring at the strip lights above him. As Brutale and Queen Bee make their way past, his eyes twitch towards the door.

"You can release me." Light says this quietly, fiddling with his cloak. "Or you can keep me in here." Stroking his beard, his eyes glaze over. "After the Martian Manhunter showed me my past, it all seems frightfully inconsequential. I'm stuck in a loop, you see."

He gets up, and smashes his forehead against the glass. "And I can't. Get. Out!"


jla_blackgate June 28 2010, 07:51:41 UTC
"He found me wanting, and so I tried to meet him in heaven, but no matter how high I flew I couldn't reach him!!" Phosphorus is, for want of a better word, shackled in his cell. He's constantly kept cool through rods pressed into his body that lower the temperature of his skin exponentially, so he looks almost human.

Staring mournfully out of his cell, he then lifts his gaze to the heavens. "The Deacon told me I could be saved, but I could not feel his love!" He clenches his teeth and growls. "BURN! THE DOCTOR WANTS TO BURRRNNNN!!!" Phosphorus lights up as he starts to cackle, and is immediately put out by the coolant rods pressing into him.


jla_blackgate June 28 2010, 07:53:53 UTC
The way Dr. Phosphorus ignites is enough to make Brutale jump back and shield his eyes.

"I don't know, my Queen... They all seem pretty loco. If we're gonna release any of them, I suggest we maintain a distance." Brutale walks over to the control panel, and waits for his command.


jla_villains June 28 2010, 15:22:41 UTC
They do seem a little...unstable. Queen Bee even takes a step back, a hand on Brutale's arm. "I wonder whether you are right... I distrust them all."


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