Been a long time gone (Open)

Jul 31, 2009 21:31

Mary Marvel's not a frequent visitor around the JSA Brownstone these days. Between school and superhero activities around Fawcett City, she hasn't really found time to pay any regular visits ( Read more... )

captain marvel jr., zachary zatara, flash jay garrick, mary marvel

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swiftjustice August 1 2009, 01:47:29 UTC
"Well, hello, Mary! What brings you by the Brownstone today?"

Jay's actually sitting down, for a change, in the lounge on the main floor, and old photo album in hand.


lady_shazam August 1 2009, 02:00:43 UTC
"Hi Jay!" Mary's snapped out of her trance, and makes her way into the lounge.

"I just thought I'd stop by, say hello," she plops down next to him. "Whatcha looking at?"


swiftjustice August 2 2009, 04:53:41 UTC
"Just a few old photographs. The Justice Society get-togethers over the years. Even when we were officially disbanded, we'd occasionally have a meeting to catch up as a group. And then once the Justice League was on the scene, we got things back together more regularly.."


greatest_zatara August 8 2009, 02:32:31 UTC
"Mister Garrick? Do you know if we have any-- Oh." Zach had rounded a corner and entered the lounge. He wanted to know if the Brownstone stocked any chemical compounds for Terrific's lab he could borrow to test out something for an act. There was a new face though.

"Well hello." He tried to keep his tone polite, hoping this individual would fall towards the Garrick end of the tolerable spectrum, rather than Terrific.


lady_shazam August 8 2009, 02:43:00 UTC
Mary's head popped up when she'd heard the newcomer enter the lounge. "Hello!"

A someone confused look crossed Mary's face. She was familiar with the roster on the JSA...but she didn't remember any new add-ons to the team before she dropped off the face of the earth.

"I don't think we've met," she said, walking over to the boy and extending a hand, "I'm Mary Marvel."


greatest_zatara August 8 2009, 03:01:12 UTC
"I don't think we would have. I'm new." Zach bowed slightly, before taking her hand. "Zachary Zatara, World's Greatest Teenage Magician, and JSA provisional member."


lady_shazam August 8 2009, 03:39:12 UTC
"Oh..." Mary could feel her face turning just the slightest shade of pink, "I didn't know that we were recruiting..."

Zatara...Zatara...why did that name sound so familiar...

Oh. Duh.

"Umm...are you related to Zatanna by any chance?"


greatest_zatara August 8 2009, 03:54:16 UTC
"I wasn't recruited. I was assigned." Zach states plainly, his eye twitching at the next response.

"Yes..." His pleasant tone wavered slightly. "She's my cousin."


lady_shazam August 8 2009, 04:22:19 UTC
Mary wrinkled her nose a bit. "Assigned? As in someone just told you that you were going to be on the team? That doesn't really sound like much fun."

She gave him a slightly uneasy smile, having caught the waver in his tone. "That must be...nice."


swiftjustice August 8 2009, 12:36:29 UTC
Jay smiles.

"The Titans referred Zachary to us. I can't speak as to their reasons, but we're always happy to have new blood, and he does have a heroic legacy - John Zatara was a member of the All-Star Squadron."

To reinforce his point, he opens one of the photo albums, displaying an enormous group shot of forty-odd mystery-men, pointing to the tuxedoed elder Zatara in the back.


greatest_zatara August 8 2009, 19:13:48 UTC
Zach sighed. He'd been hoping for the topic to be diverted, quite honestly.

"Yes... that's Uncle John." He nods, massaging his temple, before turning to Mary. "So are you usually present here, or are absences of this length typical for you?"


lady_shazam August 9 2009, 01:58:15 UTC
Mary let a nervous laugh. "I used to be a more regular face around here," she said, twisting a strand of hair around her finger, "But things in Fawcett City kinda got just a little bit crazy for awhile. Which is weird, really. It's normally pretty sleepy around there for the most part. The three of us got things back to normal-me, Captain Marvel, and Captain Marvel Junior, that is."


swiftjustice August 10 2009, 00:15:36 UTC
"How is Cap, by the way? After all that mystic hullabaloo a few months ago, I be he had a lot on his mind."


greatest_zatara August 10 2009, 00:26:14 UTC
Now you've got Zach's attention. He turns to Mary. "What kind of mysticism was at work?"


lady_shazam August 10 2009, 02:27:50 UTC
Mary smiles, "He's doing pretty good," she says, "Things have gotten back to normal, so he's had a bit more time to just relax a little."

She then turns back to Zach.

"Mordru was trying to take over the Rock of Eternity from the Wizard. Messed with our powers for a little while."


swiftjustice August 10 2009, 02:52:31 UTC
"Mordru is never good news, even under the best of circumstances. Things were touch and go for a little while there. Now he's sealed away again."


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