Live Via Satellite

Jul 08, 2009 12:31

Several global news networks have sent representatives. His message will go out on channels all around the world. Putting a smile on his face, Vandal Savage steps out onto the stage that has been prepared. A large podium stands in front of his manor house on New Albion - and some of his new lieutenants already are waiting on the stage ( Read more... )

enemy ace, black adam, the army that time forgot, jimmy olsen, azrael, pete powell, superman, tex thompson, batman, kitty kowalski, jonah hex, amanda waller, green lantern alan scott, scandal savage, vandal savage, the contessa

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jla_extras July 8 2009, 16:55:04 UTC
A reporter raises a hand.

"How do you account for the rumors surrounding you, regarding acts of cannibalism and depravity?"


proto_humanist July 8 2009, 16:57:00 UTC
Savage chuckles patiently.

"As you say, they are rumors. I have lived a long lifespan, and thus there have been many opportunities for misunderstanding. And of course, my frequent adversaries in the Justice Society are getting on in years, so its understandable that they'd muddle a few details. I'd hate to think that any of them would resort to exaggerating the crimes of an opponent for their own self-aggrandizement."


jl_metropolis July 8 2009, 17:42:13 UTC
Jimmy Olsen, looking a bit more haggard than usual, is still game. He's practically standing on tiptoes to be noticed.

"Ah, Mr. Savage!" Now there's an honorific Jimmy never thought he'd use to address the infamous villain.

"What will the stance of this new nation be towards the governments of the world? This announcement has surely drawn the attention of every nation on the planet. How will you answer the inevitable accusations that this new nation is just a front for yet another scheme to control the world?"


contessaerica July 8 2009, 18:40:20 UTC
From amongst the various Vandal Savage lieutenants and hangs-on emerges a heretofore unseen figure, unseen today, seen before, most assuredly, on television. Not in a very long time, however, at least a handful of years. She touches Savage's arm lightly and steps to the microphone to say to Jimmy. "Baseless accusations and misapprehensions are, alas, nothing new to him. Concerns for public perception are useless when the health and welfare of the entire planet are at stake."

Her eyes train on the cameras as she adds, "Those with a keen interest in surviving - no, in flourishing, in advancing - are wise to visit, stay and judge for themselves without the discoloration from certain global media stained by prejudice."


proto_humanist July 8 2009, 18:42:28 UTC
Savage smiles, nodding his agreement with the Contessa's words.

"I have no preconceived agenda with regard to the various world governments. I look forward to establishing cordial, useful relations with those who choose not to adopt a belligerent stance."


metromarvel July 8 2009, 20:32:29 UTC
Clark Kent is a mild mannered young man.

He stands up after Jimmy, dwarfing his pal despite the habitual hunch Kent's adopted from years at a tiny desk. "Contessa del Portenza, you mention survival, just as Mister Savage references the vicious invasions the nations of Earth have endured together. Are you implying that there is a new threat that Mister Savage and his...cabal of followers are aware of and preparing for?" This is mild mannered by Daily Planet standards, however, which means that the man can still smell blood in the water, even if he eats with a knife and fork.


contessaerica July 8 2009, 21:29:34 UTC
The use of her name and title from this towering but timid fellow inspires a slight quirk of an eyebrow from Erica. At Savage's side she answers, voice low, velvet, exotically accented, "Vandal has iterated already that we have as a planet faced deadly forces beyond the understanding of the planet's leaders and he expects for Earth to do so again. As he is the most brilliant and experienced leader this world has seen, I trust his judgment. I am saying nothing more."


jpvalley_lives July 9 2009, 01:14:40 UTC
Just in range of the cameras, but standing in just the right spot that the onstage pillars or other individuals on the podium will usually shield him from actually being caught on camera, Jean-Paul Valley cuts a sleek, calm figure.

Of course, the operative word here is 'usually.'

Valley didn't want his survival to be revealed to the world this soon. There was no way he could not be here, however. One member of Savage's council had already begged off from the conference, and Savage would not brook another.

So he does his best to look for the cameras without actually being caught by the cameras, and studies the entourage around him. Savage is clearly in his element - animated and lively, the leader in him is at work. The Contessa is similarly comfortable, but then Valley has never known her to be anything else. The only member of the group who frankly looks like he'd rather be somewhere, anywhere else, is Jonah Hex.


proto_humanist July 9 2009, 01:32:40 UTC
"Mr. .. Kent, is it? Yes. Alien species have always shown a rather unusual level of interest in our planet. I believe it has something to do with our genetic potential. They fear that we will exceed them, so they feel compelled to master us or destroy us."


old_evil_eye July 9 2009, 21:16:28 UTC
Hex, indeed, looks like he'd prefer to be just about anywhere else. But he isn't taking questions, he's keeping his usual professional demeanor, and he's well away from center stage. While he definitely presents an air of professionalism among the bodyguards, frankly, he also scares the general public.


metromarvel July 12 2009, 22:51:14 UTC
"I imagine fear has a lot to do with this project, yes, Mister Savage." Clark comments in that innocent farmboy way of his. He doesn't expect Savage to buy it, but Clark Kent's too much of a coward not to couch his words in such illusions. Or at least, that's what his peers need to think.

And really, Clark thinks to himself, what is a secret identity but applied cowardice?

"Perhaps you could introduce your team to us, sir? I recognize several faces up there, but I know I would be fascinated to learn who is helping you usher humanity into this new era." To be less simple and rustically charming than Clark Kent, you'd have to be Mister Rogers back from the dead.


proto_humanist July 13 2009, 01:55:15 UTC
"I'm sure you're familiar with the Contessa Erica Alexandra del Portenza. She has graciously agreed to assist me with this project, using her enormous intellectual resources. I've prepared briefing folders with the names of some of the scientists working on the project as well - those will be made available to the press."

Savage smiles.

"As for my security team, I hadn't thought that any of them were particularly famous."

At least, in this era.

"Jonah, Jean-Paul, and Hans are men of few words - if they wish to speak to you about their roles here, then they are welcome to do so."


jla_randoms July 13 2009, 01:58:16 UTC
Hans, for his part, does not seem inclined to talk - his expression completely unreadable.


contessaerica July 13 2009, 02:19:10 UTC
"The emphasis," says the lissome Italian lady at Savage's side, "is on New Albion and what this prospective Utopian ideal offers to those who would embrace it. No fear is offered but bravery to face an uncertain future...that, Mr. Kent, will come in handy." She turns to proffer a smile at Savage and adds, "Do you not agree?"


metromarvel July 13 2009, 03:14:55 UTC
"Not my place to say, ma'am." Clark Kent smiles innocently, as if that was a perfectly pleasant conversation. "I just ask questions and write down answers."


proto_humanist July 13 2009, 03:17:45 UTC
Savage chuckles.

"I admire your dedication to the facts, Mr. Kent. It may interest you to know that each of my security personnel was hired with the specific promise that they would not be employed for any sort of offense against another sovereign nation. They have clauses in their contracts that allow them to walk away should I attempt to employ them for such."


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