Easy money?

Jun 17, 2009 21:15

A security guard that leaves a back door open while he steps out for a smoke? Well that's just terrible. Convenient for Croc though. He surprises the guard and smashes his head against the wall, knocking him out instantly. Peeking inside the open door, he can see a floor plan on the wall. Shrek had provided an honest to god dossier, a folder full of info, in extra large writing no less. Croc had no idea what to think of that, he figured he ought to be insulted but its hard to stay mad at a man practically handing you half a million dollars.

The guard looked dead, or his breathing was very shallow. Croc didn't particularly care, he took the man's security pass and headed on inside. The big ass sledgehammer he took on this trip, to make a point, at his side. Security was thin to non-existant as Killer Croc made his way to Oliver Queen's office. Just swipe through a reader once and he was where he was supposed to be. Finally reaching Queen's office, Croc kicks the door down and bursts in. Queen wasn't there. Some guy with his shirt off was though, as soon as he saw croc he screamed "Who the hell are you!"

"John Henry!" Yelled croc as he slammed his sledgehammer into the man's face and further into the wall. His head made a gruesome sounding splash and exploded unto the wall  leaving a nice round stain. He'd hit him so hard the hammer got wedged in the wall. "John henry was a steel driving man. " Croc finishes, giving a dry chuckle at his own joke. An ear piercing scream gave him a start and he saw a women in just her underwear frantically pressing a button under a desk.

Well shit he thought

green arrow ollie queen, killer croc

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