Hitting An Iceberg

Jun 16, 2009 17:42

Even on the quietest of nights, the Iceberg Lounge never falls short of ostentatious. The Penguin lives for his bling, and in stark contrast to the other throbbing, rhythmic nightclubs of Gotham City, his Iceberg Lounge has a rather more subtle, subdued atmosphere. Pandering to the upper class as always, the Iceberg Lounge is a glittering monument ( Read more... )

the vampires cometh, hush, prometheus, robin, captain cold, penguin

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Comments 38

a_cold_front June 16 2009, 23:23:29 UTC
"You run a pretty cool joint in here, Penguin." Captain Cold is of course referring to the classiness of the Lounge as well as the temperature. But it is cold enough to make him keep his parka on. "Looks like that diamond operation out of Albania is paying off well for you."

Cold raises a glass of whatever beer he's drinking (he guesses it's Belgian), and downs it. "Usually I reserve myself to a brew from Keystone, but I don't mind a cold one from the Europeans. They do make a fine beer."

He keeps his eyes on the squat figure on the private balcony with him. "You're awful quiet, Oswald." He's worked with him for the last couple of years. Informality shows how trusting the two have become. "What's on your mind?"


flightlessfelon June 17 2009, 01:05:58 UTC
Captain Cold knows his beers. Cobblepot has always respected that about him ( ... )


a_cold_front June 17 2009, 12:45:48 UTC
"That's something I've never really understood about you guys in Gotham." He takes another swig, and raises his arm to wipe his mouth. "You're always fighting one another, always switching allegiances, or just totally batshit crazy."

He leans back. "Central and Keystone have something of a pecking order, but we're more organised as well. Less uncontrollable psychopaths. When one shows up, we put him or her down. Not that I've been there in years..."

"Mardon, that's Weather Wizard; he's been in control of the Rogues since I started working out of the country. The last time I heard anything from them, I understood they pretty much have freedom to commit any crimes. The Flash just isn't about so much."


flightlessfelon June 17 2009, 22:51:24 UTC
"Perhaps a change of venue is in order." remarks Cobblepot thoughtfully. "Once, years ago, there was a pecking order here in Gotham. My usual associates, colorful though they might be, can be counted upon to act a certain way. Men like Harvey, Nygma, and Crane... oh, you know them as Two-Face, Riddler, and Scarecrow, of course, have a certain rhythm and a bit of honor among rogues, such as the case may be." He pauses briefly, admiring his own pun.

"It's these damn upstarts who are ruining it for all of us. Roman is the most visible but he is hardly the only one. They run the streets, a new generation of upstarts with no respect for the cops or us. If only my compatriots would show such initiative in dispensing of them, but then, Gotham has never been a unified front. I love this city dearly, but sometimes it is hard to recognize ( ... )


jla_undead June 20 2009, 19:07:04 UTC
A few of the patrons dumb enough to try fighting instead of fleeing cheer as Batman lands in their midst, certain they are saved.

But that hope turns to horror when, instead of attacking the nearest vampire, Batman grabs the closest patrom, a buxom blonde, and bends his head to her neck. Her scream is abruptly silenced, and the corpse he drops to the ground is pale and bloodless.

This Batman is no savior. He is the leader of the vampires, and a ripple of terror floods through those unlucky souls who haven't yet been able to run.


snarkyboywonder June 20 2009, 23:38:53 UTC
A batarang cuts through the scream-ripped air, embedding deeply in the vampiric doppelganger's back.

And then Robin is the air, swinging in through the hole the Batman vampire made, staff already extended as he lands.

It hasn't been the best week for him. Tonight he's going to make up for it a little.


a_cold_front June 22 2009, 14:16:52 UTC
Time to kill two birds with one stone. "Sorry kid." Captain Cold unleashes a wide arc of absolute zero from his two blasters, aiming it in the general direction of the false Batman and the kid dressed as Robin. The ice should slow them down, if it doesn't kill them. He doesn't have much time to care, as another vampire comes barrelling into him.

Cold is knocked to the ground and then through the balcony. With a groan he lands on a few patrons, and doesn't take the time to apologise as he sees one of the vampires falling down towards him. "Get lost, punk."


A dome of ice so thick it could be an igloo erects over Captain Cold, and he grins as he hears the thud of the vampire hitting the roof.


snarkyboywonder June 22 2009, 16:31:46 UTC
The vampire shrugs off his blows and grabs Robin by the throat, and he's struggling against it when suddenly everything below his waist just goes numb. Astonishingly, the vampire's grip loosens, and Robin recoils as he sees ice rising over it's body.

Fuck, where'd Mr. Freeze come from? And where'd he go?

Robin has little time to worry about that. He has a few seconds before he's frozen too. Hands go to his utility belt, thanking the Bat gods he learned the paranoia of Bruce Wayne well. Out come the cryo capsules, specialized devices created specifically by Batman in the event of being frozen.

The capsules do their work quickly, freeing his legs, and he's quick to get away from the vampire Batman, lest it might be thawed as well. And it is thawed... up to it's knees. The rest of it remains on ice, and aside from kicking weakly, the vampire is still incapacitated.

Robin looks around, spots an ice igloo. BingoHe'll worry about why Freeze is working with vampires later. Staff raised, he goes after the next one, a hulking brute of a ( ... )


flightlessfelon June 27 2009, 22:53:33 UTC
Panting from the quick getaway, the Pengun slams the door behind him, stepping out from the Iceberg Lounge and into the adjoining alleyway.

Oswald Cobblepot is not a stupid man and has prepared for any number of retribution attempts from any number of men he has betrayed. But vampires are simply not a threat he listed in his purview. Where did they come from? Who could possibly be after him?

Well, whoever it is, the Penguin will find him. And he'll be sure to have pull that man's fingernails off with rusty pliers for this indignity.


jla_extras June 27 2009, 22:56:12 UTC
"Hey Cobblepot." a voice calls to Oswald from the shadows of the alleyway.

"Something ruffle your feathers?"


flightlessfelon June 27 2009, 23:05:31 UTC
Not him. It can't be him.

Oswald Cobblepot has trafficked with a wide variety of criminals and has rubbed elbows with everyone from the Condiment King to Two-Face. In his long career, he has run into very few villains he can say he honestly fears. Some of them are powerful but have no powerbase with which to harm him, like Bane. Others have power but he has cultivated enough of a working relationship with them, like the Joker. And some he just knows he can outsmart. Roman Sionis was one.

But this man... this is a man Cobblepot has only met once, a man Cobblepot only knows by reputation. A man who is said to have fought the entire Justice League to a standstill, a man who is said to have come within a hair's width of killing Superman.

This man is completely out of Penguin's league. Him and anyone who's ever worked for him.



prometheanplans June 27 2009, 23:12:05 UTC
"You got it, Ozzie." grins Prometheus, stepping into full view.

"And I brought a friend, too."


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