A backroom meeting, of sorts

Jun 08, 2009 23:18

Max Shreck is back in Gotham City, as least temporarily. It's not that Metropolis isn't keeping him busy, because good god it certainly is, but there's someone he has arranged to meet that finds public transport through large, built-up areas a slight hassle. Which is why Max is currently sat in a mobile office in the Gotham docklands, at the very edge of the land rented by the father-company of the businesses that handle haulage for Shreck's. Not being funny, but one should not crap on one's own doorstep, and meetings like these need as much disassociation from legitimate business as can be made.

He checks the time and adjusts his leather gloves. His new employee should be here soon, and he has a very important job for him too. Only recently getting out of prison (legitimately or not, it doesn't matter), he is going to be in desperate need of some work from a high-paying employer, and that's Max Shreck all over. Normally he wouldn't handle a meeting like this in person, but a special applicant needs a special interview.

As the door to the mobile office swings open, Max looks up from his swivel chair, but doesn't stand. He puts his fingers together and smiles. "Mr. Jones, do take a seat if you can fit in this rather lacklustre furniture. I apologise for the lack of grandeur, but you do of course understand the need to be discreet."

killer croc, max shreck

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