Not in costume, Arthur Light slicks his hair to the side as he enters the door of Madame Soleil's Massage Parlour in Missouri. Hot Coffee, Missouri, to be precise. Why there? It's one of the only towns Dr. Light is sure doesn't have any costumed heroes, and does have an incredibly ineffectual police force. For Light, that means plenty of opportunities for...
Impulsively, he pulls a cellphone out of his pocket and chooses one of the numbers he'd programmed before his trip. A convent near Abilene, Kansas. He patiently waits for it to ring, and smiles as he hears the soft voice of the lady on the other end. The sweat begins to bead on his forehead as she keeps asking who's there, and then...
"Hhhh-hhhhooo---hhhhhaahhh---hhhhhhuuhhhh-hhnnnn!!!!" And she hangs up. A big smile on his face having breathed heavily down the phone to a nun, Madame Soleil then enters the lobby and asks what service he's after.
"Just a... massage. With one of your..." He licks his lips. "Younger ladies... Specifically, the deaf mute you advertise on your... website..." He's done his research. Light smiles widely, and genuinely, and she smiles back. He's fully aware of the real purpose of this establishment. When given the option of whether he wants to give or receive the massage though...? "Give. Give! Hehhhhh."
And he's shown to one of the dark, and somewhat dingy booths, where an attractive naked girl is laying on a massage table. He rubs his hands down his thighs, licking his lips, slavering. "Hhhh-hhhhooo---hhhhhaahhh---hhhhhhuuhhhh-hhnnnn!!!!"
She just lays there, absently, as being completely blind and deaf, she doesn't hear or see it. He stops rubbing his legs furiously to put his face right over hers. "I'm your wicked uncle Arthur, and I'm glad you won't see or hear me... As I fiddle about! Fiddle about! Fiddle, fiddle, fiddle!"
He moves around the massage bed, and places his hands on her. "Down with the bedclothes, up with the nightshirt! Fiddle about! Fiddle about! You won't shout as I fiddle about! Fiddle, fiddle, fiddle!" And at that, he pulls an Aqualad costume from the small duffel bag he brought along with him.