Just Beachy, Thanks.

Feb 23, 2009 17:33

"decI der eat!" Zatanna Zatara said out loud, holding out a perfectly, magically manicured hand. A small puff of magic and there was a cold glass of ice tea in the sorceress' hand. She was relaxing on the beach today, laying across an expensive looking chaise that she clearly hadn't dragged to the beach herself. A bright, concentrated, artificial sun hovers about twenty feet above Zatanna, shining light down upon the woman in the midst of what's a pretty overcast day.

Fact is, Zatanna had asked Arthur to meet her here. Their last meeting had been...less than good...and she wanted to see him in person. To talk to him.

There was also the fact that, at their last meeting, there had been something off about him. After she'd reversed the spell she'd so foolishly cast upon him, she'd realized that...there was something the matter with him. She wasn't sure what it was, and she wasn't even sure if it was mystical in nature. Fact was, though, that Zatanna had to find out.

And figure out a way to help, if she could.

After all, for awhile, the two of them had been in love.

aquaman, zatanna

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