Gang, you're dead!

Feb 16, 2009 17:36

The Ventriloquist and Scarface are on edge. They've heard the rumours of what the Odessa Mob did to Harley Quinn, what the Black Mask did to Poison Ivy, and what Two-Face and his woman did to Rupert Thorne. So this meeting with the Black Balaclava Gang, a bunch of mobsters formerly of the IRA in Northern Ireland, is almost certainly going to be more tense than most arms deals.

"Rhino, you stay hidden." Scarface points his tommy gun at a large clothes rail. "Make sure that if any of those gums pull a weapon you've got 'em dead in your sights." Scarface then gestures at some of the other thugs in his employ, each with a Godfather puppet-master design sewn into their shirts. "You guys just hang close, and no funny gusiness. We want to get this cash plain, easy and simple, capiche?"

As the leader of the Black Balaclavas steps into the old clothes warehouse with his men in tow, the Ventriloquist makes a formal nod of his head, and Scarface then follows suit. "Good that you could join us on this cold night. Shall we get down to the gare gones on the deal?"

catwoman, alfred, batman, copperhead, scarface, robin, ventriloquist

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