Jan 15, 2009 01:20
The first thing to strike Klarion as he made his way up from the subway station was the intoxicating aroma. It was a mixture of some smells familiar to him--urine, wet, smoke--and others entirely foreign--gasoline, in particular. Once his eyes adjusted to the sting of the sun's light, however, he was utterly gob smacked. He was dizzied standing still by the immensity of it all. As his eyes traveled up the silver columns to the clear blue above, he thought, 'Such wonders even the Submissionaries have never seen!'.
Wandering, out of sync with the city's own rhythm, Klarion moved from one fascination to the next, often times backtracking. He found the blinking light in the shape of a man very pretty, though he couldn't figure out what it was for, as nobody seemed to heed it in the least. When he came across an electronics shop he had actually stopped and stood, face pressed against the glass, and mouth agape, staring for endless minutes, before laughing hysterically, then screaming, then vomiting, then laughing again.
Yes, Klarion, Teekl in tow, continued on this way for quite some time, the bitter chill bothering him little. His only goal: Adventure!
klarion bleak,