Into the Lion's Den

Sep 20, 2008 23:01

With Xanadu's permission, Constantine removes a small piece of chalk and etches a doorway onto an empty wall ( Read more... )

pulling strings, papa midnight, zatanna, john constantine, zachary zatara

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johns_demons September 21 2008, 03:32:28 UTC
The fact that he's using sheer blasts of magic should show just how powerful he's become in Shadowcrest, and how Zatanna has influenced him just as much as he has her. The chains connect to him as well, after all.

"Of all the people to barge into my home uninvited, it gets to be you. Oh, Constantine, you shouldn't have done this. I had far more cruel ways for you to die."

Another wave of energy expels from the man's hand, which bears straight into Constantine's chest.

Funnily enough, nothing has yet been aimed at Zachary. It's almost as if Papa can't even see him yet--smoke enshrouds him somehow, keeping him off the magus' radar completely.


mucous_magus September 21 2008, 04:16:52 UTC
The real point of his blowing smoke in Zach's face at Xanadu's. Little twerp didn't even have the guts to say 'thanks.'

John rises back up to his feet, unprepared for the assault Midnight is unleashing. He and Midnight don't fight this way--they're both too subtle, too underground to just push on the forces of reality. They pull and manipulate.

Still, that doesn't mean John doesn't know how to fight back. He quickly tugs his coat off, and as the next force of will slams towards him, the coat is flicked forward as if trying to encourage a bull, and the blast is reflected. This time, it's Papa who's sent reeling backwards, a bookcase tumbling on top of him.

John takes the moment just long enough to push Zach towards Zee, while he can still keep Papa from seeing through the glamour.


johns_demons September 21 2008, 04:32:45 UTC
Papa's surprised by the return blow, and it takes him a moment to shake the books off and climb back to his feet.

"That's better, Constantine. I can still make this cruel, so long as you're going to give it your best."

Zatanna gives a lurch as Papa *pulls* on her power, and invisible chains wrap themselves around Constantine, and then begin to squeeze.

"Please. Scream. I want to taste it."


zee_zatara September 30 2008, 19:38:33 UTC
Zatanna quietly struggles against Midnight, trying her best to put up a fight, but he's too strong, and he's only gotten stronger. She feels him tap into her power, and she's still unable to put up a block of any sort. She looks in Zatara's general direction desperately.


greatest_zatara October 1 2008, 13:28:23 UTC
Zachary shook his head, suppressing a groan, as he started carefully pulling apart Zanna's mystical bonds. He didn't want to risk setting off any wards Midnite had put into them, but he had to hurry as well.

He'd free his cousin, and then she'd bring the true power of Shadowcrest to bear against this miserable voudoun deadbeat.


zee_zatara October 1 2008, 21:09:05 UTC
Zatanna felt the bonds of magic that had tied her to Midnight slowly start to loosen, snapping loose. As it did so, power inside of her being to swell. Still, she allowed Midnight to siphon power from her.

He couldn't know she was getting loose.



mucous_magus October 1 2008, 23:41:53 UTC
The chains do tighten, but John doesn't scream. Instead, he fishes in his pocket for his lighter, and manages to have just enough leverage to flick it open beneath one of the chains. The magical chains burn away with little difficulty in the talisman's flame, and John takes a step forward.

He sees Zach's efforts out of the corner of his eye, and knows that they won't have much time if Papa notices what's happening. Distraction time.

"What are you doing, Midnight? Force bolts? Conjurations? If you really wanted to throw everything at me, you'd have hexed me, not just thrown magic around. She's changed you."


johns_demons October 1 2008, 23:45:03 UTC
"Bite your tongue," the other man snarles.

A hand is thrown forward, and Midnight's words--what should have been a spell, forcing Constantine to bite off his own tongue--become a different type of curse, one with no magical effort behind it at all.

The voodoo hex's energy convents to the energy used by a conjurer, someone more like Zatarra would be if she weren't his personal battery.

Personal. Battery.

Oh, that bitch.


mucous_magus October 1 2008, 23:52:54 UTC
There'd been a lot of power behind that hex, but it's sudden transition cripples it. Midnight's aim becomes imprecise at best, horribly off-kilter at worst. He has no practice with this kind of power, so he's become a brawler.

Compared to Midnight now, John's a fucking surgeon.

A small vial is pulled from John's pocket, and the mage hurls it at Midnight, whose face causes the glass to shatter.

And then the face starts to fester. The vial's contents, a warding potion created from one of Zee's hairs would have neutralized her if it ever really had come to a fight between the two. On Midnight, pulling from Zee, it simply burns.

"So you've figured it out, then. What did you think, that you would be untouched in all this? You've been practicing this kind of magic for years, and you didn't see this coming. All your zombis and slaves are corpses for a reason, you twat. You can't bind someone to you and expect them not to touch you."


johns_demons October 1 2008, 23:57:37 UTC
That rank fucking bitch. He'll kill her--he'll kill all of them. The mage and the bitch together. And then let Constantine dare to lecture him about zombi.

He pulls on Zee again, stronger this time than before. The energy makes no effort to even attempt to warp to a useable form. It is the magic of a conjurer, and evocateur, and no matter how much he channels it, he can't use it.

Well. He can't use it well. But for this, he won't need to.

The force that hits John can't miss--he isn't throwing lances of power anymore. He's throwing h-bombs. He can't kill John the way he wants to, but he can sure as hell kill him somehow.


greatest_zatara October 2 2008, 00:23:24 UTC
Maybe. Maybe not.

Zach never really was much for subtlety. "Sorry Zanna, this may sting..." He pulls at the remaining bonds on her, ripping them free and feeling them burn against his hands. "Eldritch weave, return they bonds and strike thy crafter!" He swings the remainder of the spell right at Midnight, trying to trap him within the spell he made himself.

Of course... there was a little extra curse that Zach had managed to weave in. If Midnight simply dispelled his own attack, that energy would go into Zach's own spell. Flesh-rending tentacles that would pin the zombi user in place, for starters.


zee_zatara October 2 2008, 02:45:02 UTC
Zatanna falls back, a scream erupting from her lips as her eyes glow brightly, her full power returning to her in torrents.

She sits up, willing herself to recover, and she scrambles to her feet. She raises her arms high above her head, mystical winds surrounding her currently too-slender frame, her raven locks lifted off her shoulders.

She looks down at Midnite, her expression icy, and without a single word sends wave after wave of powerful magick his way.


johns_demons October 2 2008, 05:45:45 UTC
He has just enough time to register a radical shift in power, and then he sees Zatanna's attack. With no time to react, the blows from the Zatarras send him flying backwards, binding him at the same time ( ... )


greatest_zatara October 7 2008, 03:40:16 UTC
Zach felt his muscles seize as he was brought to a standstill. He struggled against it, tried to find the words to dispel it, but they froze in his throat. He glared venomously back at Midnight, but was helpless to react.

//I'll make you pay for this. I'll send you soul hurtling into the abyss as you beg for mercy!!!//


zee_zatara October 7 2008, 19:43:51 UTC
Zatanna, for her part, lays on the ground, spent, trying to recuperate. That was a lot of juice she'd thrown it...and it had done almost next to nothing.

She turned to John, crestfallen.


mucous_magus October 11 2008, 19:47:56 UTC
Zee's powerful, sure, and so is Zach--more than he should be, matter of fact. The boost Papa just got was way more than John had been expecting when he'd set Zach up to take the fall.

What? You didn't really think that was on accident, did you?

John's brain flies, plans and schemes to take Papa down once and for all flashing through his head. But on the spot like this, and with the power the younger mage Papa has at his disposal, all his plans keep coming back to Zee. She's the only one with the strength to do this.

So when he sees the vial of blood on Papa's altar, he puts two and two together rather quickly. His eyes lock on to Zee's, and then point to the blood. Hopefully she can figure it out. Meanwhile, all John has to do is keep Papa distracted.

"Hey Midnight. You're the expert in this type of magic. What do you think happens if I set this on fire?"

From John's pocket comes a small plush rabbit, with real rabbit hair bound onto its cotton 'fur,' and with a quick flick of his lighter the rabbit is on


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