Burn, Metropolis. Burn.

Sep 11, 2008 19:02

Chemo switches on. "GG56I." It's been a while since it was last active. After the chess match with Calculator, it was as if the increased sentience had put Noah off releasing the walking vat again. But this time, it's in full-sized mode, as the Society require a distraction from the rather overt assassination earlier today, and as far as ( Read more... )

catman, blue beetle, oracle, hawkman katar hol, troia, brainiac, calculator, mr. terrific, superman, deathstroke the terminator, infinity inc, batman, metamorpho, red tornado, kgbeast, green lantern hal jordan, nightwing, plastic man, wonder woman, flash wally west, lex luthor, chemo

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On a very secure channel.. tx_instruments September 12 2008, 00:02:45 UTC
Noah has restored most of his data center to operational status, but dealing with Chemo is beyond the scope of his capabilities at the moment. However, he does know one person in a good position to use the information he has.. He initiates the secure link to one of her known front-line computer nodes.

"Oracle. This is the Calculator. I have information regarding the Metro situation."


Re: On a very secure channel.. delphicgreen September 12 2008, 00:08:21 UTC
The first instinct it to shut him down and to shut him down hard as she's attempting to deal with the situation in Metropolis as she can, helping get peopel where they're needed. It is fortunate that she doesn't as it seems he has something to offer her.

"Speak quickly."


Re: On a very secure channel.. tx_instruments September 12 2008, 00:32:50 UTC
"I've got specs on Chemo's outer shell, his implants, and current chemical composition, as well as some takedown and containment strategies. I can also tell you that he's currently under the control of Brainiac."


Re: On a very secure channel.. delphicgreen September 12 2008, 01:33:13 UTC
"Send it."

A channel opens up for him. The synthesized voice sounds rushed and maybe worried, even through the synthesis.

"Is there anything else that can be made available?"


Re: On a very secure channel.. tx_instruments September 12 2008, 01:38:06 UTC
"You're getting everything I have. The Society has no interest in seeing Metropolis turned into a crater."

He initiates the data transfer, a dense stream of schematics, tactics, and the results of very thorough study.

"Unfortunately, if I try to send any manpower along, it would be moot. The rank and file is actively averse to even small acts of altruism."


Re: On a very secure channel.. delphicgreen September 12 2008, 01:48:41 UTC
"The rank and file in Metropolis might not have anything to worry about it Chemo's full destructive potential is unleashed." Oracle starts to divert the information as it comes in to her station.

"We're done." There is a faint sound at the end, her voice hanging, in case he has something else he wants to say.


Re: On a very secure channel.. tx_instruments September 12 2008, 01:50:38 UTC
"Of course."

There's a pause.

"Thank you. Calculator, out."

He terminates the connection - doesn't even try to make a token effort to send a trojan horse through.


Re: On a very secure channel.. delphicgreen September 12 2008, 03:58:54 UTC
Instantly Oracle begins to disseminate the information to where it can best be used. All of it goes to two sources - the Watchtower computer and the BatComputer. The rest goes to the people who can do the most good with each individual part.


Re: On a very secure channel.. gothambyknight September 12 2008, 05:41:02 UTC
There's the barest of delays between the completion of the data dump and the activation of another secure line.



Re: On a very secure channel.. delphicgreen September 12 2008, 05:47:28 UTC
"Brainiac has control of Chemo in Metropolis. JLA and Titans members are on the scene and on the way."

The rest of the information is in front of him for him to read.


Re: On a very secure channel.. gothambyknight September 12 2008, 05:57:52 UTC
Which he's already digested. "Trace on the controlling signal." He has his own network on the case, but in matters relating to cyberspace, he has long been aware that Oracle's uncanny knack is far superior to anything automated.


Re: On a very secure channel.. delphicgreen September 12 2008, 06:00:17 UTC
"Already working on it. Have investigated and discarded seven different routes already."


Re: On a very secure channel.. gothambyknight September 12 2008, 06:13:20 UTC
Telling her to work faster would be fruitless, no matter his irritation level. He doesn't need to hear what's been done, only if results have been obtained.

"Containment is the priority." Lives are at stake. He's studying the information as it scrolls along on his monitor. The permanently-etched scowl deepens. "Superman."


Re: On a very secure channel.. delphicgreen September 12 2008, 06:24:36 UTC
"Last reported at Metropolis Hospital. Wonder Woman is on scene with Chemo."


Re: On a very secure channel.. gothambyknight September 12 2008, 06:32:41 UTC
"Implement field containment strategem 4-M." The Watchtower should have enough of the portable energy containment field generators required for the task.


Re: On a very secure channel.. brainiac_lives September 12 2008, 16:32:40 UTC
Brainiac can feel the probing inside his immense mind, of somebody trying to trace Chemo back to his location. That won't do. He shuts down that small part of his intellect, and transfers a burst of feedback in reply.



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