While I'm alone and blue as can be..

Aug 26, 2008 15:06

Murderdoll took a step out onto the street. She noticed the trash that had accumulated in the gutters, the high gates with the double AA emblazoned in iron, the lights of Gotham City beckoning to her.

She’d been told by more than a few of the inmates that no one ever left Arkham by the front door. She’d overheard by more than a few of the staff that no one ever found healing after walking in the front door.

She liked to do things she wasn’t supposed to do.

She started humming a few bars of Mack the Knife, and then changed the tune to Dream a Little Dream. The Dr. Carroll had worked hard with her to do that, not that she saw what it mattered. Maybe he just didn’t like Sinatra.

Now that she was out, she knew what she had to do. There were several things on her mind, but the first was to find a secret base. Naturally that would appall the doctors that worked so hard with her and drugged her up to the gills with anti-psychotics, but they would never understand her. That part she knew.

After she’d achieved a secret lair, she was going to find Nightwing. That bastard took her out like she was child’s play, like the toy her name suggested. She wanted a rematch, dammit. She wanted to know how he did it.

Then she had to convince him to show her how to do it his way.

nightwing, murderdoll

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