Meanwhile, in Gotham City, something troubling is afoot!

Jul 17, 2008 17:33

"Egg-cellence, my little chicks, pure egg-cellence." Egghead stalked around the room as his henchmen pointed their scrambler guns at the warehouse staff.

"You see, in these boxes are the rarest emerald eggs to have ever been found in the Azt-egg ruins of Eggzalipoctla, an historic and fine nation, that once worshiped the humble egg like a god. And now all of them, and all their secret powers, are mine! And I shall use them in my egg-speriments, to discover the hideout of that most rotten egg of all! Batman!"

Battery, Free Range and Runny all laugh along with their boss. "Now for the most egg-squisite part of all. You warehouse workers shall load these boxes, carefully mind you, into my van, the Dairy Egg-Spress. Oh the irony of it! You will assist in my grand crime! Hee haa haa haa haa! Egg!"

egghead, phantom stranger, crisis in eternity, ambush bug

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