How Far Will You Go? Pt V

Jun 10, 2008 08:58

The travelers passed through the hole in reality that married Asgard to Midgard. Tora felt a strange sensation as she passed through the gate. It felt beneficent, and powerful, the blessing of a god rewarding her for defeating Loki.

When she stood on the other side of the gate, she looked back into the icy realm of Asgard, and knew that some day, that would be her realm. Today, however, was not that day.

Tears were falling down Fire’s face as she walked into the real world behind her friend. She held onto Tora’s hand, squeezing it fiercely, unwilling to let go for a moment.

Merlynne also felt a tingle as she walked through, a mysterious energy that was part approval and part.. something else. And then, the gate was gone.

And, as usual, no one could tell what Guy was thinking as he walked back into his bar, which was deserted at this time of day. The heroes had no idea how long they’d been gone, but it was very obvious that the sun was rising and shining into the bar’s windows, promising a new day.

merlynne, ice, how far will you go?, green lantern guy gardner, fire

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