Lexcorp Summit Brunch: Open to all

Apr 01, 2008 01:59

A 9:00 AM start time opened the day for Lexcorp's summit meeting. Its Chairman, Lex Luthor himself addressed the media, and the shareholders with its 2008-09 directive.

"And so, ladies and gentlemen, Lexcorp associates, and distinguished guests It is with extreme pleasure, and pride, that I give to you the 2008-09 company focus. "Infinite Initiative".

"What Lexcorp strives for, above all is the growth, and the acceleration of the human race. As a people, we have seen the future. Metropolis itself is a living testament to what things are to come. This city, amazes me. Its people amaze me. And to think that I'm a part of its golden age humbles me. I am proud to be a citizen once again.

For years we, as a human race have relied on our "heroes" to protect us. To save us. To show us that even if we've tried our hardest, there's always someone looking out. That, is admirable. I can only thank the Justice Leagues, Societies, Squadrons, Titans, and so on for what they've done.

However, their actions are...at best, rather covert. Rehabilitation is what was offered to me recently. And it was a job that I chose to accept.
It was not a gift. I assure you. My time was not handed to me freely. It was a burden and a cross that I built, and was made to carry for my sins.

Yet, it worked for me. And it has worked for others as well. After months of careful screening, and sometimes years of progress...Lexcorp has found like-minded individuals. Some came as volunteers. Giving their gifts for the good of the world. Others lept at the chance to redeem themselves. To show the world that they CAN and will become working, viable members of our society.

I found individuals, and bring them today to introduce them to you. Those here today are witnessing a new day. An Infinity Incorporated, given the tools and resources that Lexcorp will provide to BE the standard for prevention and protection. Completely above-ground, and with full disclosure to who they are, and what they do. My distinguished guests, it is my honor to introduce the following and their codenames.

Thomas Blake, field leader. Better known as Catman.

Cameron Van Cleer, technical support. AKA, Killer Moth.

Roscoe Dillon, special ops. AKA, the Top.

Special operative and liason, Miracleman.

And Metropolis' own powerhouse, and front line...Grace Choi.

This, is the future of specialized task forces. This, is Lexcorp's pride and joy, Infinity...Incorporated.

I'll pause now for questions..."

catman, metropolis, oracle, batman, killer moth, lexcorp, superman, wonder woman, the top, lex luthor, miracleman, infinity inc, grace choi

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