Grundymania: And In This Corner...

Feb 19, 2008 20:09

The kiddie class had gone extraordinarily well, Ben thought with amusement. Belt testing days were usually nerve-wracking but this bunch of kids was disciplined and performed extraordinarily well. While Richard was helping on the floor, Ben was grading form and technique and signing certificates of achievement ( Read more... )

lady shiva, grundymania, solomon grundy, bronze tiger, richard dragon

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grundy_smash February 20 2008, 01:28:39 UTC
Grundy stomps down the street, roaring at all he sees. He kicks over a car, knocking it over and sending it sliding across the street to smash into another parked car.

His expression remains one of anger, lightening not at all at the sight of the destruction he's causing. If anything, it only makes him angrier.


uncommon_sensei February 20 2008, 01:46:40 UTC
"You know, I'm beginning to understand that fortune I got last night from the cookie.."

Dragon's attention is on the window as well.

"'You will face unexpected challenges.' Huh. Children, please head to the back room.."


bronze_tiger February 20 2008, 01:50:56 UTC
Ben, still dressed in his testing gi, headed for the door while Richard herded the children and their parents into the back room. Be a tight fit for all of them, but it beat someone getting hurt. As soon as he set foot outside the school he had to work fast to keep an elderly man from being crushed by a flying ... bicycle?

That monster had thrown one of his kid's bikes at an old man? Oh no. Not in HIS neighborhood.


grundy_smash February 20 2008, 01:52:38 UTC
"RAAAAAURGH!" Grundy issues by way of challenge. "HATE COSTUMED MEN!"

Sure, a gi isn't really a superhero costume, but don't tell Grundy that.


uncommon_sensei February 20 2008, 01:54:53 UTC
"Thank God we don't teach theatre, then."

Dragon steps out to join Tiger.

"Solomon Grundy, if I remember the news stories right.."


bronze_tiger February 20 2008, 01:56:25 UTC
"Solomon Gonna-Get-His-Ass-Beat, you mean." Ben said with a grin. He was already loose and warmed up from the testing, and now this brute had made him mad.

"You take high, I'll go low?" he offered to Richard.


uncommon_sensei February 20 2008, 02:04:37 UTC
"Works for me."

He breaks into a run at the gigantic albino, building momentum for the attack to follow.


bronze_tiger February 20 2008, 02:09:31 UTC
Ben moved alongside his friend, building up momentum to try to sweep Grundy's legs out from under him. With both of them striking at the same time, this guy wasn't going to know what hit him.


shiva_wusan February 20 2008, 03:00:13 UTC
In the shadows there is a watcher.

And she's amused at this, if nothing else.

Partially because most everything amuses her on some level.

Also because she was thinking of taking on the behemoth on her own.


grundy_smash February 20 2008, 17:35:06 UTC
Grundy is too busy bringing his fists down on a car, smashing it to pieces, to really notice the two men approaching.


uncommon_sensei February 20 2008, 20:43:38 UTC
Dragon nods almost imperceptibly, trusting Ben to pick up the signal for the coordinated attack - and launches into a flying kick at the monster's head.


bronze_tiger February 23 2008, 22:53:35 UTC
As Richard goes high, Ben goes low with a sweeping low kick aimed right for the side of Grundy's knee. With luck, it'd damage the joint enough to hamper mobility and keep him off-balance.


grundy_smash February 25 2008, 05:43:03 UTC
It's like hitting an oak tree. Grundy doesn't even flinch as the two men hit him.

And swings a meaty fist towards Dragon in anger.


uncommon_sensei February 25 2008, 16:53:04 UTC
The beast has the advantage of strength and durability, but not agility.

Dragon twists his body in the air - grabbing hold of Grundy's sleeve for just a moment to re-direct his momentum to avoid the punch.

"Hmh. He has no living chi."


bronze_tiger February 25 2008, 16:56:29 UTC
"Noticed that, did you?" Ben said, rolling out of the way of one of the beast's stomps. "Not going to be able to damage him easily. Try for soft targets?"

You know, things like lungs, solar plexus, throat, eyes, etc. Targets not protected by hard bone.

But damn, his leg hurt.


shiva_wusan February 25 2008, 16:58:08 UTC
"He is not truly alive."

Shiva is perched on a nearby car. Watching. Amused.

"And there is nothing soft about him."

"Except perhaps his eyes."


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