The Lady and the Tiger

Feb 17, 2008 00:04

One of these days, Ben decided, he'd really invest in this whole 'cellphone' thing that had swept the world while he was away training. Most of the time he was out in the field he had a Squad comm, but this wasn't exactly Squad business. And there was a phone in the dojo but he didn't want to be overheard.

Which would explain why he was standing in a fetid phone booth - one of the few of this part of Gotham that had a working phone in it. It would also explain the calling card and the emergency stash of change in case the card ran low. Not to mention being absolutely surrounded by graffiti, most of it highly sexually explicit.

Anyway. He dialed an exceedingly-long series of digits to make the call go through. Hopefully it'd be completely untracable, which would be good as what he was asking for was not something he wanted people like this Oracle person he'd heard of to overhear.

vixen, seedling, one shot, bronze tiger

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