It begins

Dec 29, 2007 23:14

The MCU is an absolute frenzy. The packages are being gone through with a fine tooth comb for any sign of clues, the detectives have all been called in to cover everything they know about the location, Croc's testimony, the current suspects and who's out of prison... anything and everything they can do ( Read more... )

detective crispus allen, one shot, detective renee montoya

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det_montoya January 3 2008, 21:10:58 UTC
Captain Sawyer isn't the only one unhappy with the recent turn of events. What was in the the box? Why was it taken? Was it some kind of message? Some sick way of saying 'I can manipulate you from within'. Or was there really something previously present important to the investigation?

Commissioner Gordon taught her many things over the years. One of them surfaces over and over again. "When you think you've missed something, check and check again."

That's why she's returned to Romy's apartment. She glances in, yellow tape between her and the 'crime scene'.


gcpd_mcu January 3 2008, 21:24:50 UTC
Normally, the place would be scrubbed clean by now. But this is a missing cop they're dealing with. so the cops are giving it a little more time, and keeping the crime scene almost untouched other than detectives and forensic specialists.

They have all of the witness statements, which are being gone over and over in detail, trying to find something useful pertaining to Romy.

The only DNA samples they've found in the apartment that are newer than 2 weeks old are from people identified as belonging where they're at. Romy, the therapist, the building cleaning crew outside, the delivery people, and the cops. Still, you never know what a new eye might find.

Cris lifts the yellow tape for his partner to duck under. "We have an all clear. Let's see what we can find."


det_montoya January 4 2008, 04:39:18 UTC
It somehow feels like an invasion. Steppin' into a space that was once private. The pictures didn't really do it justice. Romy's place is trashed. How the scene crew managed to find anything at all is probably just short of a miracle.

She moves into the living room, surveying the extent of the damage first hand.


gcpd_mcu January 4 2008, 05:20:55 UTC
Cris likewise steps carefully, looking around with a trained eye. "Hmmm, initial look through meets just what the boys said. Nothing out of place except everything... I'm sure they missed something, but how many clues can be left after Croc went through?"


det_montoya January 4 2008, 05:33:45 UTC
Even the ceiling seems to be waterlogged in places.

"What a freakin' mess," she comments in shear dismay.

She decides of all the rooms present, the bedroom seems like the logical place to start. The door swings back easily and the faint clank of a button or zipper can be heard hitting it from behind.


gcpd_mcu January 4 2008, 05:38:26 UTC
Cris raises a brow at that, moving around behind the door at the muffled sound. "Ok, her jacket is here. But no signs of a struggle in here, other than the water leakage... and too cold to go out without it... doesn't seem to fit." he ponders out loud, bouncing ideas off his partner to see if she has anything working through her brain on all this.

Indeed, Romy's bedroom is in fairly dcent shape, other than one hole in the wall from the other side, water damage, and a few things knocked down by the thunderous fight in the next room. A book still lies open next to the bed, beside a water glass and her sedatives. Otherwise the room is fairly spartan anyway.


det_montoya January 4 2008, 05:51:27 UTC
"In too big of a hurry to grab it? Taken in a way that didn't require she wear it? Maybe she's got another winter jacket? That's the one she always wears though." It's obvious she's not any closer to answer than Cris is. Maybe between the two of them though, they'll get this case solved.

She squats down in front of the glass and pill bottle. "They dust this thing for prints?"


gcpd_mcu January 4 2008, 05:53:43 UTC
Cris nods. "That was the weird thing. Only her prints are on it, but about half of them are smudged, which is kind of odd for something like that. They also counted her pills three times. There's a couple more than there should be if she'd been taking them twice a day like prescribed, but that's not unusual for her. Remember her and the painkillers when she broke her arm?"


det_montoya January 5 2008, 06:04:52 UTC
"Nothing if not stubborn," she mutters. It comes out a cross between a compliment and a curse. So many of them are like Romy. Too stubborn for their own good with no intention of every apologizing for it.

She takes a closer look at the bottom of the glass. Maybe her eyes are deceiving her. There appears to be some kind of residue present.


gcpd_mcu January 5 2008, 06:09:22 UTC
He steps closer. "Find something?" he asks, with an arched brow.


det_montoya January 5 2008, 06:18:13 UTC
The sludge appears almost clear. Would have been easy for a casual observer to miss. But a trained technician? "Somethin' in the glass."

She reaches into the inside pocket of her jacket and pulls out a pair of gloves. They stretch over her hands before she tilts the glass forward. "Her pills supposed to be ground?"


gcpd_mcu January 5 2008, 06:20:47 UTC
He shakes his head, lifting the pill bottle, a glove on his good hand, the other still heavily bandaged. "No, take one with water, every twelve hours. Nothing about them being ground. I think forensics ought to have a look at this... having her sleeping would certainly have made abduction easier... but there's still no signs of anyone coming in who wasn't supposed to be here."


det_montoya January 5 2008, 06:46:11 UTC
She tips the glass back onto its base. It'll be left for the experts.

There's another question that goes hand in hand with his train of though. "If they drugged her, how'd they get her out of the building? No large packages or boxes removed. No large nothing taken from the building according the cameras. Couldn't have just disappeared into thin air."


gcpd_mcu January 5 2008, 06:50:32 UTC
A thoughtful nod, pacing the room a little. "That's a good question. We know she was here the morning she disappeared... and awake at that, so maybe it wore off, but she'd be drowsy, less likely to fight... or got drugged after that by someone... it doesn't make a lot of sense, but obviously someone went to the trouble. Even teleporters or other meta folks would leave some sign, right? Unless something else happened that someone needed her sedated for?"
He shakes his head in frustration. "Still not making much sense. Anything else you can think to check for? I think you knew her better than I did."


det_montoya January 5 2008, 07:02:07 UTC
She doesn't know the first thing about teleporters or whether or not they'd leave any kind of trace behind. The thought is filed away for later. Some digging and a couple well placed questions might cover that possibility.

Her answer to Cris's last question comes by way of action rather than by word. She pulls a drawer from the dresser next to the bed. She doesn't stop to look in it at all. It slides all the way out and is placed on the floor at her feet. It takes her a couple seconds to find just the right spot.


gcpd_mcu January 5 2008, 07:51:52 UTC
"Her gun and badge are missing." he states flatly, upon seeing the non-contents. He didn't know they were there... but he's an honest Gotham cop. They all keep their gun within reach of the bed, so he doesn't need to guess what was hidden.
"Someone would have had to have known they were there, somehow..."


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