Most people scoff at the idea of a real Santa Claus. There simply is no way that an immortal elderly-appearing fat-man could travel the world in one night, giving gifts to good boys and girls all over the planet in a flying sleigh pulled by reindeer... and that's even before one considers the difficulties in spying on all the children of the world
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Dear Titans,
I wanted to let you all know exactly how much I appreciate the opportunity to be a part of what you are doing here. You give so much of your time and energy to the people of Philadelphia; let me help extend that to international levels.
I look forward to what we might be able to do as a team this coming year, and beyond that. Merry Christmas!
Love, Jesse
Donna receives a Frank Gehry necklace in a distinctive blue box. A note is attached saying that the matching earrings will arrive when they are available.
Bette receives an invite to the Talladega Experience.
Nightwing receives a Nerf gun. In the card that is attached to it, there is a note that reads, "We can keep the Nerf gun in the kitchen to give you an advantage in the next food fight", and a gift certificate to Les Halles, with an invitation for he and a guest to a special meal prepared especially by Anthony Bourdain.
Wally receives a colorful Christmas card with a jolly old-fashioned Santa on the front. On the inside, a note reads: "Dear Wally - I have it on good authority that you've been a Good Boy this year, so Santa will be delivering a new QuickStart game console to you as soon as they're available. Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas!" It looks as though a few lines were erased, and then this was added:
Wally -- don't know what to say, other than I hope that you are having a good holiday. I know you'll enjoy the new console, and I'll make sure that Santa delivers it on time. Merry Christmas, and all that jazz. ~ Jesse
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