Trick or Treat!

Oct 31, 2007 10:16

Bette's been getting this costume ready in secret for what feels like for forever and ever. Her partner in crime, Lily, has yet to show up but she'll be here. She's good at showing up on time for things ( Read more... )

damage, nightstar, raven, arsenal, troia, cerdian, nightwing, flamebird, flash wally west, tempest, omen, lian harper, beast boy

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Later... etai_yazi November 3 2007, 19:39:08 UTC
As the party has progressed, she's been busy. She sent Cerdian on a mission while she worked outside.

Oooooohhh...has she been waiting to do this! Roman candles in a star formation, all pointed up and away from stuff like the internet said they should be sit on the ground awaiting launch. If she has that little buzz in the back of her mind that says this is a bad idea, she's ignoring it handedly.

She takes out a barbecue lighter and lights the fuse, then goes inside to watch the adults.


Re: Later... blackest_bird November 4 2007, 00:49:27 UTC
Raven is ... Raven. As always. She's never quite been able to fathom this appeal everyone on this planet has for pretending to be something one is not, and especially not this custom for consuming vast amounts of processed sugar that does unimaginably bad things to one's metabolism and health. Still, she's trying to be social. Even if that means, 'lurking near the buffet table and taking brief nibbles of a Sugar Cookie Snake in Graveyard Dust.'

She's not sure how confectioner's sugar resembles graveyard dirt in any fashion, but supposes it's really the sentiment that matters.


Re: Later... middle_amazon November 4 2007, 02:02:52 UTC
Unaware of the countdown outside. "Nice to see you out and about."


Re: Later... blackest_bird November 4 2007, 05:41:50 UTC
"I do not believe this could technically be considered 'out'." There's a pause, as her cowl shifts slightly. "But it is 'about'," she concedes.


Re: Later... middle_amazon November 4 2007, 05:52:35 UTC
"It more then we have seen you in the last few years." The party to open the base and now. She's didn't hold up well at that last party however. "How are you doing so far?"


Re: Later... blackest_bird November 4 2007, 06:21:39 UTC
A nod is her only concession to the Amazon's statement. The next query gives her pause, however. There have been a lot of mixed emotions hanging around the Tower of late, and that odd artifact's appearance has given rise to a host of confusing sensations and visions that she had long thought irrelevant or easily dismissed. Now they bear further examination.

"I wondered perhaps if I should ask the same of you," she says, by way of what could be considered a polite deflection. Donna's aura has always been at odds with that of everyone else's; perhaps by sheer nature of having been forced to live several hundred lifetimes. Something about it right now seems a little 'off' to her in a way she can't pin down. It's a different sensation again from their session not too long ago.


Re: Later... middle_amazon November 4 2007, 07:21:54 UTC
The very obviously sensual costume on a generally modest Donna might have something to do with the shift as well. Raven is also observant enough to notice the necklace from the Titans of Myth has been replaced with a small antique crucifix.

"I'm holding up." she looks across the room. "It's almost our first anniversary. It just...astounds me. Everyday."


Re: Later... blackest_bird November 4 2007, 07:51:02 UTC
The little differences that are rarely so little in meaning. Raven as always notes them, but makes no comment. The energy from the piece is familiar to her It's not her business, however, unless Donna makes it so.

"I believe the appropriate response would be, 'Time flies'," she notes. A turn of her head might, just might, give away the faintest sliver of something approximating a smile. Which, for Raven, is a brief and notable thing.


Re: Later... middle_amazon November 4 2007, 07:57:54 UTC
"And some things remain..." She nods over to the group of men. "It's hard not to revert to 13 sometimes."

The expression is very soft and thoughtful in sharp contrast to the teasing words. Before respective returns and Lilith's, there was very little laughter in their shared house.


Re: Later... blackest_bird November 4 2007, 08:00:32 UTC
"I wouldn't know. I was never thirteen."

... did she just crack a joke? Her shadowed expression gives nothing away.


Re: Later... middle_amazon November 4 2007, 08:07:05 UTC
"Stick around and you'll have the fast track -"

She's cut off as there's the sound of...gunfire? Explosions?


Re: Later... blackest_bird November 4 2007, 08:11:41 UTC
There's the soft sound of Raven's cloak billowing out, and then--she's disappeared.

Going for the source.

The cookie she was nibbling delicately on drops to the floor.


Re: Later... _nightwing_ November 4 2007, 08:14:56 UTC
The noise is plenty enough to get his attention, cutting through the conversation like a knife through butter. Now he's all business, regardless of what he's wearing. He makes a beeline for the door.

What the hell is - where are the kids?


Re: Later... violeteyedmage November 5 2007, 15:15:49 UTC
And now, he hears the sound of laughter.


Re: Later... _nightwing_ November 6 2007, 04:55:04 UTC
That's some small relief -- sort of -- but it doesn't explain the noise. He opens the door, heading out onto the porch.


Re: Later... etai_yazi November 8 2007, 05:09:30 UTC
The display is impressive and Lian is grinning like a very proud fool. At least two dozen Roman candles in a star shape all going off at once. Somehow it's pointed away from the trees, storage sheds and so forth.

But there is NO possible way the local PD won't notice that the Fourth of July came early.


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