Trick or Treat!

Oct 31, 2007 10:16

Bette's been getting this costume ready in secret for what feels like for forever and ever. Her partner in crime, Lily, has yet to show up but she'll be here. She's good at showing up on time for things ( Read more... )

damage, nightstar, raven, arsenal, troia, cerdian, nightwing, flamebird, flash wally west, tempest, omen, lian harper, beast boy

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Comments 251

delphic_child November 1 2007, 18:35:52 UTC
She's there. Suddenly. Unexpectedly. In the blink of an eye. POOF!

With GREEN hair.

"Where did you GET this?! It fits PERFECTLY!"

No, she's not bouncing. Really.


_bird_of_flame_ November 1 2007, 18:44:54 UTC
"I know some people."

Bette adjusts her headpiece and looks at Lily. Once of these days it will stop startling her when she does that. Even when she's expecting it.

"So. What do you think?"


delphic_child November 1 2007, 18:51:55 UTC
"What do I think? WHAT do I THINK?! I LOVE it! Boots, bow-tie, gloves and ALL!"

She drops her head down and shakes it a little bit, testing the wig.

"Is any of my hair sticking out?"


_bird_of_flame_ November 1 2007, 18:54:17 UTC
Bette laughs softly and looks over looking for bits of hair sticking out. There is just a little which she carefully tucks in. "You look fantastic. I think we're going to knock people dead tonight."


At Titans West... gar_logan November 2 2007, 04:06:36 UTC
Opening the door on their arrival is a green-skinned guy with night vision goggles perched atop his skull, wearing an olive jumpsuit, elbow pads, black boots and gloves, with some kind of large rectangular device worn over his back, which lights up and digitally chirps every so often.

The only real clue to know for certain is the patch on each shoulder, which includes a white blob ghost-like character with a red "no" stamp over it.

Evidently no-one's needed to call him yet.


Re: At Titans West... _bird_of_flame_ November 2 2007, 04:19:18 UTC
"Trick or Treat!"

Bette poses appropriately for her character.


Re: At Titans West... gar_logan November 2 2007, 04:44:41 UTC
Gar grins brightly, impressed.

"All that's needed to make it flawless is the wild music, zooming background artwork only Bart can see clearly and seizure-inducing flickering light patterns."

Reaching for his belt, he lifts the "trap" and proceeds to grab and squeeze the foot pedal to open it, the whole thing filled with various chocolate ghosts, candies, sweets and other nibbles that keep dentists knee deep in hundred dollar notes.

"Have you "girls" got something to hold these?"


Re: At Titans West... delphic_child November 2 2007, 17:37:31 UTC
Lily takes a flirtatious peek down the front of her low cut sailor suit. "The 'girls' decline to comment. But I do have a bucket!"

She trusts the plastic pumpkin out towards Gar with a smile wide and beaming.


_nightwing_ November 2 2007, 05:28:41 UTC
Dick is in the kitchen of the Titans East compound, grabbing a soda from the fridge before heading for the party at the Tower.

He's appropriated one of Wally's much-maligned "body condoms" for the event, and he's whistling a familiar TV theme.


_bird_of_flame_ November 2 2007, 06:31:09 UTC
Making her way into the kitchen, Bette sees the red suit and isn't even thinking about that it might not actually be Wally. She walks up behind him, sliding her arm around his waist, leaning in toward him. "Hey there, sexy."


_nightwing_ November 2 2007, 06:36:24 UTC
Dick almost drops the can of Zesti in his hand.



_bird_of_flame_ November 2 2007, 06:56:00 UTC
Leaning in and up a bit, she kisses him on the cheek. "You still owe me din-"



At Casa Harper. middle_amazon November 2 2007, 06:35:42 UTC
Great Gods, Roy went crazy with the pumpkins this year! Someone has to stay home, take pictures with her instant camera, and hand out candy. But she doesn't have to look boring doing it.


Re: At Casa Harper. fleet_feet November 2 2007, 08:30:02 UTC
Holy hell, Donna's wearing NASCAR hotpants. A lot of kids are going to hit puberty instantly once they knock on her door.

Luckly, Wally's way past that point. He's more interested in testing the look out.

"Wow, hot stuff. Care to wear that to bed tonight?"


Re: At Casa Harper. middle_amazon November 2 2007, 08:36:28 UTC
She's not really paying attention with all the camera work, candy, and general puttering - so the green eyed redhead in her husband's uniform gets one full on the lips before he starts talking and then...

"Oh shit..."


Re: At Casa Harper. fleet_feet November 2 2007, 08:43:30 UTC
He really didn't expect to get that far, and his eyes pop open wide behind those dorky Roy shades.

There's a moment of awkward, and then he gives her a big cheesy smile.

"Would it have KILLED you to do that a decade ago?"


arsenal_arrow November 3 2007, 01:21:40 UTC
Lian said 'pirates', so they did pirates. To be more appropriate, Roy chose Captain Jack Sparrow. All the other pirate costumes for adults are lame, and this one actually left some leeway for creativity.

Who doesn't want a cool pirate hat, anyway?

"We'll make them walk the plank if they're late!" he assures to Lian on Garth and Cerdian's arrival. "Then we can claim their loot."


etai_yazi November 3 2007, 01:26:22 UTC
"They didn't do planks, Daddy." It's true. She read it online! "But we don't hafta tell 'em that."


violeteyedmage November 3 2007, 01:42:01 UTC
Garth blinks as he steps in. "Um... didn't you get the message?"


arsenal_arrow November 3 2007, 01:52:06 UTC


This is an opening for a lot of laughter. "Wow. Nice tights. What message?"


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