Upon This Rock

Oct 30, 2007 21:25

"The San Diego Museum of Natural History has expressed an interest."

Christopher Phinney leans forward in his chair, appalled at the implication. The diamond has been in their collections for over ten years. It's been the cornerstone of their mineralogical display for more than three. A more beautiful stone in his opinion does not exist. The number of karats combined with the unusual color make it a priceless find and an attraction for all. "You don't seriously think it'll come to that, do you?"

Brian Pascual turns sharply. "God, I hope not. I'd hate to lose it. But if it means keeping the museum afloat, I'd sell it in a heartbeat. We're just not making enough in sales to cover costs."

"There has to be some other way, Brian."

He shakes his head and begins to pace the length of the office, a tight space inadequate to his needs. The board of directors is going to eat him alive. He can measure his life expectancy in weeks. "Fundraisers haven't worked. Advertising hasn't worked. Symposiums haven't worked! If you have a better idea, I'm all ears!"

one step shy

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