(no subject)

Oct 10, 2007 20:00

"Jenny dear, would you please touch the lantern?" Molly offers forth the relic of Alan's former power.

She places her finger delicately on the edge and the room is gradually filled with a cold, hollow emptiness. Both Molly and Jenny can feel the aching void that once was Alan Scott but is no more. There is no language or communication but they know that he is gone. Only the empty husk of a burnt out lantern remains, crumbling at Jenny's touch. She desperately, and futily, attempts to put it back together but soon there is nothing but dust and memories...

Jenny bolts up in bed, covered in sweat unsettled by the horrible nightmare. Calming herself, she reaches out for reassurance to that part of her she carries as a living legacy to Earth's First Green Lantern and the man that was...is her father. She reaches out and touches only emptiness. She pauses for a second, terrified, but quickly calms herself. Focus, she tells herself, and begins to feel the emerald energies surround her. She knows suddenly something is wrong. He isn't there and as if she had somehow known this was coming, she realizes immediately what that means.

"Daddy?" She whispers to the air. Tears fill her eyes and fall down her cheeks as she reaches for a portrait of herself, Todd, and Dad standing together...as heroes...as a family. The tears do not stop for a very long time as she hugs the picture to herself whispering, "No, no no...Daddy, no...Please no."

green lantern jade, green lantern alan scott, from emerald ashes

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