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arsenal_arrow October 10 2007, 05:04:08 UTC
"OH! Family jewels!" Roy chuckles to himself as he dashes past the two combatants he's just downed. He did warn them not to run, but nobody ever stops to think about their movement and arrow trajectory, noooo.

Then again, these guys can't have too much brainpower, trying to drown an entire damn city for ransom in the locale of Titans South America. From here, Roy can even see the ringleader; who apparently can see him, as well. "Hey hot stuff! A ha--!"

Roy goes feet-up as the ground underneath him quacks and then shoves him forward.


_bird_of_flame_ October 10 2007, 05:11:45 UTC

Flamebird doesn't lose her footing but it is a close thing. It does, however, throw off her aim as she's throwing the bird-a-rang. It totally misses where she wanted it to go - ending up hitting an entirely different thus in the knee.

"What the hell?"


arsenal_arrow October 10 2007, 05:43:48 UTC
"META!" As if that wasn't already obvious. Roy rolls upright from the fall, hearing the *crackle* in his kneecap as he does. Damnit, that's going to hurt later. He knows that sound well enough as heavily bruised cartilage.

He's up and aiming for the lead-man, unfortunately there's an entourage of more meat-heads that need arrows through their legs before he gets to him. There's another grouping of four to his left, advancing. A step closer to Bette and he gives her hip a little squeeze. "You wanna make the day of the four at 9 o'clock, or grab the bodyguards before we get to El Supremo up there?"


_bird_of_flame_ October 10 2007, 05:52:01 UTC
"No? You think?"

Bette winks at Roy before stepping away from him, "I'll take the four and meet you so we can feel the world move?"

She doesn't give him a chance to answer before she's flipping toward the group of big burly men off to the left.


arsenal_arrow October 10 2007, 05:59:13 UTC
No, this chump had no hope of making Bette's 'world move'. Roy planned to show her-- again-- the real meaning of that once they were done all this.

Arsenal moves forward on the entourage in front of him, getting one of them with two arrows before he even comes close. That one crumples but still has it in him to fire his handgun in the Titan's direction. Roy rolls, hearing the slam of the bullets as they hit ground and not him. When Roy comes back up he's got another in hand-to-hand, twisting the man's arm around his back and swinging the momentum to kick another in the abdomen, and then throw them into each other.


_bird_of_flame_ October 10 2007, 06:06:13 UTC
There are shots taken at Flamebird as she flips her way over to the men but she's moving too much, too quickly for them to get a good shot in. Landing in the midst of them, the distinct moves are lost to Arsenal's view at his distance. One of them goes down, holding his stomach followed by a second, his nose and collarbone broken.


arsenal_arrow October 10 2007, 06:42:44 UTC
The other two attempt to jump Arsenal at once, and for a second they get the upper hand. They wrestle the bow from him, which is fine-- he doesn't need it to shove the knife strapped to his thigh into one of the other men's arms. He drops the bow and Roy fights with the second man, who actually manages to get him to the ground. Blows are thrown, but as soon as Roy has kicked the other man off of him, the ground is rumbling again.

'El Supremo' sends Arsenal flying, and only the twist of his body keeps him from impacting with the side of a parked jeep.


_bird_of_flame_ October 10 2007, 06:49:34 UTC
Flamebird quickly dislocates a shoulder and does something painful to a knee and the other two, if not down, aren't going to be getting in the way. As Arsenal goes flying, Flamebird climbs up a car and then a tall truck before leaping toward El Tremoro.

"Hey! I want him flat on his back but not unconcious!"

Hopefully she'll be able to grab on piggyback ride-like. The tremors shouldn't be as effective then.


jla_extras October 11 2007, 05:07:28 UTC
The man spins, trying to toss her off. He's trying to make a firm contact with her to tremor her some, but he can't seem to manage it for more than a few seconds. Then, he's got a firm grip on a place that will probably get him punched. It isn't intentional.

It probably won't matter.


_bird_of_flame_ October 11 2007, 05:09:38 UTC
Flamebird grumbles and punches him in the head.

All while she's trying to get a sleeper hold on him. The faster this guy is unconcious, the better it is for everyone around.


arsenal_arrow October 11 2007, 06:04:22 UTC
Arsenal's trying to get himself footed as fast as he can. It's taking a moment. It seems like the entire planet's trying to kick him in the back of the head at the same time. Once his balance starts to right, the pain fades a little.

Oh, this guy's gonna get it! He's manhandling the woman! (But damn does he love when she does this, just runs right in and whap whap kapow!) "HEY!" He yells across, running forward. He's got to make his aim precise. He can't miss this, even with them struggling.

Arsenal pauses briefly, leveling bow and then letting an arrow fly.


jla_extras October 11 2007, 07:17:00 UTC
The man screams and goes down (something about a pazy fitch?), but the arrow through his calf has him jostling Flamebird even more. He's trying desperately to reassert his footing, even going so far as shaking the ground under him to throw her off.


_bird_of_flame_ October 11 2007, 17:35:05 UTC
"Cut it out! Do you even understand English?" Of course, being in Brazil, he might well not understand what ti is she's saying. That and the fact that she's slowly depriving him of oxygen through her amazing use to the sleeper hold.

This earthquake thing is really starting to get annoying.


jla_extras October 12 2007, 02:48:19 UTC
The tremors don't last long. Neither does the screaming. Finally he's just feebly kicking at the ground, before he slumps.


arsenal_arrow October 12 2007, 02:50:33 UTC
Arsenal's limping up, eyes occasionally scanning the area for anymore mobile combatants. Any who have stayed are down by now. "Think you can hit him one more time? For me?"

Yes, he's mostly joking.


_bird_of_flame_ October 12 2007, 02:53:43 UTC
"A little help please?"

The guy landed on her when he stopped thrashing around so much. "I'm gonna be all sorts of bruised. Are the authorities coming at least? So we can get out of here?"


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