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_black_canary_ October 10 2007, 02:12:51 UTC
"Get down!" barks the Canary. Without waiting to see if Flamebird has obeyed her, she aims a Canary Cry at the oncoming tank.


_bird_of_flame_ October 10 2007, 02:16:41 UTC
Flamebird drops into a position something like a one armed push-up. The other hand is throwing a small ball toward the oncoming force. The net is small but the electric charge is carries is substantial.


_black_canary_ October 10 2007, 02:21:34 UTC
The sonic wave flips the tank over onto its side, and the smaller armored vehicles trailing behind it swerve wildly. Flamebird's device strikes the grille of the leading vehicle, and the driver swears.

"Language," chides the Canary in mock disapproval before her voice lashes out again.


_bird_of_flame_ October 10 2007, 02:26:57 UTC
"Why are we fighting tanks by ourselves again? Can you remind me why we're using the crazy bastard plan instead of, you know, something rational?" Flamebird pops up from the ground to run toward the vehicles before leaping to the air, extending a leg in a flying kick for the driver of the lead vehicle.


_black_canary_ October 10 2007, 02:28:24 UTC
"'Cause Peeg drew the short straw!" she shouts back.


_bird_of_flame_ October 10 2007, 02:34:03 UTC
Landing the driver is in sad shape quickly, from the flying kick.

"You've got..."

A kick is delivered to the gunner's midsection.

"... to be.."

A quick chain of strikes are delivered to the guy in the passenger's seat.

"..kidding me." One jeep down. Only a few billion or so more.


_black_canary_ October 10 2007, 02:35:51 UTC
"I never kid about Boobie Girl." A brief Canary cry breaks the rifle of the nearest infantryman, and an elbow smash puts the soldier down. "Zinda, where's that sweet Georgia air support we know and love?"


zinda_blackhawk October 10 2007, 02:41:44 UTC
The air around them shudders, and a dark black chopper rises up over the chaos, its blades whipping the air with a deadly sound, gun turrets open and ready.

"I figured you gals'd want front row seats for this show!" comes the familiar Southern twang over comms, right as the machine soars overhead. "HAWKAAAAAA!"

The cry is followed up with two missiles, keyed to the exhaust trails of their targets.


_bird_of_flame_ October 10 2007, 02:47:26 UTC
The missiles help a lot. The number of jeeps and other assorted artillery vehicles are now down to one billion instead of a few billion.

"Does she known you call her that?"

Leaping from where she's at, Flamebird throws small explosives in front of the next one as she leaps to the one next to it.


_black_canary_ October 10 2007, 02:49:47 UTC
"I'm the only one allowed." Dinah spares no further breath for quips as she sprints towards a jeep driven by an enlisted man, ignoring the driver in favor of the officer with the very shiny insignia in the back.


zinda_blackhawk October 10 2007, 02:53:57 UTC
The chopper whips around, bullets pinging off its ceramic coated exterior, tilting its blades downwards. The resulting backwash kicks up sand and dirt, blinding the shooters. "No makin' holes in my baby! I just got this thing repainted!"


_bird_of_flame_ October 10 2007, 02:57:51 UTC
The bullets are directed toward Flamebird as well and she makes a dive in between the assault vehicles. The men firing the bullets manage to stop before they take each other out but they've still managed to acheive friendly fire.


_black_canary_ October 10 2007, 10:05:57 UTC
"Gettin' too old to put up with stupid people," the Canary growls as she gets the officer in an armlock. "Tell your men to stand down."

The officer babbles back at her in German. "Sei artig!" she corrects herself.


_bird_of_flame_ October 10 2007, 16:24:17 UTC
She doesn't know German but she does know kicking people in the face. Canary gets to do talky things for now at least.


zinda_blackhawk October 10 2007, 16:26:53 UTC
"Tell General Scheisskopf down there I've got my eye on his prize crate down there!"

The chopper whips its rudder around again, causing fresh havoc with a hail of rubber bullets.


_black_canary_ October 10 2007, 16:32:19 UTC
"My German's not that good!" she shouts back, then jabs the general in the chest with her fingers. "You!" she says as loudly as she can manage without actually breaking anything. "Halt. Or things go geboomen and totally kaput."


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