Transmission to Oracle

Sep 24, 2007 12:11

Sand realizes it may not be instantaneous, but someone had to know what they were about to do.

Minutes before leaving with his team, Sand transmits the follow.

"This is Sand Hawkins of the Outsiders transmitting via Oracle to the JLA, JSA and Titans.  I'm sure all of you are aware of the situation in Cuba.  Kobra has made a critical area in that our current base, situated in international waters, is inside his energy bubble.  This gives us a unique opportunity...possibly the only safely deal with the situation.

"We are going to attempt to assess the sitiation internally and, if safe, attempt to drop both fields from within, starting with the smaller one around Guantanamo Bay.  We will be going in under mysical cloak, and we hope to be able to report to you with more information shortly.  Until then, we will maintain radio silence.

Hawkins out."

He then headed toward the craft...a small prayer on his lips.

snakes and other planes, outsiders, oracle, sand, batman, wonder woman, black lightning

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