On the Case:

Sep 08, 2007 09:51

So this Ibn fellow is really arousing the Chimp's curiosity. And when the chimp gets curious, he gets investigative.

And they don't call him Detective Chimp for nothing.

Time to make a few phone calls. Yes, he'll need to talk to Ibn himself eventually... but for the moment, he'd rather go into that conversation armed with a few more facts.

Apparently, according to Sue, Batman knows a lot more about him than it might appear.

And then there's his close ties to Bono.

And lastly, there are two possible ex-girlfriends. Wonder Woman, and Nightstar.

According to his files, Wonder Woman's off-planet, which takes her off the list.

That leaves Batman, Nightstar, and Bono to call.

Picking one at random, he begins to dial.

bono, detective chimp, batman, ibn al xu'ffasch, nightstar

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