Not I Think Today

Jul 23, 2007 10:04

What remains of a body after an explosion varies depending on several factors. Even a blast of relatively low intensity at a distance of meters will shred and in come cases obliterate human skin. When Jason was discovered, it was nothing short of a miracle that his face and form were recognizable. To the man who called him son, it was a curse. For it produced an image not easily dislodged. Broken and bloody, the boy was carried from the carnage, a limp and lifeless replica of the once vibrant youth. It would become a memory and a reminder, carried deep and shared with few.

Jason. Dead. A son stolen viciously, violently, and unjustly.

Thankfully not again.

The conversation with Oracle did nothing but confirm his suspicion. The tightness that held hostage his innards still consumes him afterward. Tense muscles refuse to loosen. A headache mounts. The expression on his facial features is rigid and contorted. Seemingly quiet is the exterior. Cold fury rumbles beneath.

He is indeed "unavailable for comment". The public can safely assume Bruce Wayne mourns the death of his son in private agony. Batman however scours the information he's assessed on an exotic woman with a personal score. There is nothing more dangerous than a Dark Knight on a mission.

catwoman, into the lion's den, batman

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